Sunday, August 7, 2016


The opening ceremonies of the Olympics were Friday night...
and, as we all know, I'm a bit of a weird, over-excited, almost embarrassing Olympic FANATIC!
So... it was a big deal

When I mentioned to Brinlee that the olympics were starting, she said "Fun! What's the olympics?"
Sheesh.  I can't have questions like that in my house!!!  So, I decided we'd better get into the spirit a little.  

Starting with food, of course.  
How do you like our olympic ring lunch plate?  

And our decorations? 

For dinner we decided to go Rio style and try our hand at some Brazilian cuisine.  And it turned out really yummy!  We had mocqueca de camaroes, feijao e arroz, sumo de manga, and bolinhos de chuva. Translation (thank you We had Brazilian shrimp stew, beans and rice, mango juice, and Brazilian raindrop donuts.
I was more proud of it than I should have been...

McKenna was in bed before anything started, and Brinlee didn't even sit still long enough for me to take a picture.  Once the ceremonies started and she saw what they were, and then realized we weren't actually going to Brazil, well then she had had enough. But she did wear her "America flag" shorts. And it did seem to put her in a go-get-em spirit.  She volunteered to finish up the dinner mess, and then did an awesome job! The gold medal for dishwashing definitely goes to this darling little champion.

We're pretty pumped for the next two weeks!
Ok, well at least I am...
Go Team USA!

And as long as we're traveling the world from home, why not hit Ireland next?  
Dublin Ohio does an Irish Festival every year that we figured we should probably go check out.

Now this is rare footage here.
A sight not seen very often these days.
Proof that Tim and I do actually get out of the house together once in a while without kids,
and still do occasionally do fun things!
Irish things, in this case.

This moment was brought to you by our fabulous friends/neighbors/babysitters extraordinaire!

Thank goodness for date night!

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