Saturday, December 26, 2009

Welcome Welcome Christmas Day

This year Tim and I celebrated our first Christmas together! It was so much fun, my favorite holiday with my favorite person and one of my favorite things, new P-Jamees!! We spent Christmas Eve at my Dad's and Christmas morning at my Mom's. We had decided that we weren't going to do a whole lot for Christmas as far as gifts, but we still made out like bandits and had a good time making memories with family!

Christmas Eve at my dad's Tim got his first taste of the famous omelets, no one makes them like he does... no one! So good!

When the Lords' family eats, they eat! Go big or go home right? Tim had never tried country ham before, but now he's just as addicted as the rest of us. This was a big year for him.

Thanks to everyone for the thoughtful gifts and good laughs, can't wait for next year!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Turkey Day

Thanksgiving was so fun, and so delicious! My mom is cook extraordinaire! And it's always nice to be back home in Boise. It works out well to have both of our families there. Even though it was my family's year, we were able to see Tim's some too. So thankful for food, family, and fun!

Tim and his brother went to the Boise State game. I opted out due to the lack of ticket mostly, but the frigid temperatures probably wouldn't have encouraged me much. Though the boys all bundled up looked pretty good. Go BSU!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Hello Nurse!!!

YAY!!! I received my letter today telling me I am accepted to the nursing program!! I will be starting in January and couldn't be more excited!!! :) I have heard from other nursing students that I shouldn't plan on any sleep for a year and a half... and if that is indeed true I am not quite sure how I will hold up... but I'm anxious to see!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Tim's 22!

Tim turned 22 yesterday and in honor of the special occasion we spent the afternoon hiking (read: walking) up R Mountain (read: R Hill). We had never done it before and everyone says it's a must. However having now done it I'm assuming it's one of those things you do just to do because it's popular... because as far as hiking experiences go, this really wasn't much of one. More like a nice walk along a foothills trail. And November in Rexburg = already pretty cold. We had a lot of fun though and of course ended the evening at Olive Garden. Love us some pasta!

Happy Birthday Bills! This will be a good year for you, I can tell!

Monday, October 26, 2009

The Great Pumpkin

Boy if we aren't all over this Halloween thing I don't know who is! This holiday won't know who hit it! Actually, Halloween really is not my favorite holiday... but my best foot is forward in efforts to like it. Almost a week early and our house already looks festive! The pumpkin carving experience was a success if I do say so myself and of course complete with apple cider and The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown. That's how it's done. Now for some costumes...

Saturday, October 10, 2009

So this is the flu...

Well it's official, I have the flu. I didn't realize that I had never had it before, or maybe this swine strain is worse than normal or something? But this feels pretty gross (read: the most miserable thing I've ever had)! And so typical that it was me to get hit the hardest. Tim was actually the one who started feeling sick Tuesday morning, he spent the day on the couch and by Tuesday night he was all better. I started feeling sick Tuesday afternoon, by Wednesday morning I was running a fever of 105 and have hardly been out of bed since!

I haven't been to the doctor... that's one of the pluses to having professors in the medical field. There isn't medicine for most viral infections anyway, but if I test positive for swine flu the university will make me stay home for a week, and I've already missed a day of classes so... I'm just going to have to tough this one out. I'm probably the kind of person that everyone ends up blaming when epidemics break out... oops.

My fever is down to 100 today and I finally ate, so I think it's on it's way out. But this cough may take some time to get over. I've already pulled a muscle or something somewhere in my back ribs I think, it hurts like crazy to do everything! Thank goodness for a wonderful husband who takes such good care of me. So much fun.... Welcome Fall, so happy to see you!

Friday, August 14, 2009

No Match for a Manly Man

Since we moved in there have been a few manly projects that have needed taken care of:

Fixing the vacuum...

Building a book shelf...

But never fear, no job is too much for Manly Man Tim! He's been working on this scruff for a while now and I hate to say it, but this is all there is to show for it...

Maybe beards just aren't for everyone

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Home Sweet Home?

Yesterday Tim and I moved into our first apartment together! I'd like to say that it's nice and nothing but the two of us.... but as it turns out we are sharing with 28 boys! We were super lucky to be able to get a management position, which means we won't be paying for rent! Woot!! It's kind of a goofy little place though (read: somewhat creepy). It actually used to be Rexburg's first hospital, if that gives any clues. But the walls in our apartment are an awful pink color. Oh yeah, and our bathroom is actually out the front door and down the hall! It's our own private bathroom, thank goodness! But somehow we ended up with the detached facilities. Should be interesting!

Tah dah! Welcome to Davenport Men's!

And here is the arduous journey... I counted 10 steps it takes me from the front door to my bathroom, a new experience for me I must admit. Let's just hope I never wake up in the night needing to use the restroom, because there is no way I'm making that walk by myself in the dark!


To celebrate our newly-established married life we spent a fantastic week worrying about nothing and exploring Park City Utah. We rented a nice condo there up the canyon near a lake and had a really good time tromping around the area as lovey-dovey newlyweds! Somehow we managed not to get very many pictures though, I can't believe it... bum deal

The one there on the top right is at Lagoon (tickets courtesy of my dad and Dianna, huge thanks!), and I am kicking myself for not having the camera more handy. Tim pulls some awesome faces on roller coasters! However, the ski pictures are by far my favorite! That is actually how I look when I hit the slopes, graceful and impressive-like. Tim's equipment should be more spread out all over the hill though if we're going for complete accuracy.

Monday, August 10, 2009

From He and She to We

On Saturday August 1st Tim and I were married for time and all eternity in the Boise Idaho Temple. It was a long day for sure, and incredibly hot... but otherwise absolutely perfect!! Both of our families were able to be there, it was so much fun and we couldn't have asked for anything more wonderful! Huge shout out to my fabulous planning committee and thanks to everyone who helped make this the most special day of our lives!! Here's to being a Borup!!!

Big thank you to my wonderful sister and amazing sister-in-laws (Amy, Steph, and Jaylene) for your camera work! We now have not one, not two, but three sets of bridals, pre-wedding, and wedding day shots! You gals rock!