Friday, December 14, 2012

Nurse's Note: Family Documentation

Not many of you may know this, but every nurse is at least bilingual.  
It's true.  
Medical profession folk are blessed with the ability to speak in legal documentation.

It's kind of fun actually.  The whole point of the language is to think of the most unnatural way to say something, and then type it for permanent record purposes.  Most of the time it's just time consuming and awkward.  But I have wondered at times what a night of my life would sound/look like if I were to document it the way I would a hospital note...

Dinner prepared and eaten without incident or complication.  Husband compliant with dish-duty at this time, encouraged to call for assistance as needed.  Angel baby in bed sleeping soundly, no s/s of distress or discomfort.  Dry diaper on, pacifier within reach.  Toys put away, baby monitor on and functioning.  Clean clothes folded, front door locked, Christmas tree lights glowing.  Warm pajamas applied and hot chocolate brewing as per wife request.  Husband and wife enjoying eachother's company. No complaints or further needs noted at this time.

Even in awkward nursing note language my life sounds pretty awesome.  Seriously, SO blessed!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Four Seasons

As far as I know, the elementary school curriculum is still teaching that the four seasons of the year are Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter.  However, those receiving the Borup family education learn that the four seasons of the year are
and Christmas Music

It is no secret that (understatement alert) I am not the biggest fan of cold weather.  But I am however a huge fan of the things that cold weather brings and absolutely love this time of year!  It's just magical, don't you think?
We sadly have not seen much snow yet. But we have enjoyed several pots of tummy-friendly soup and have been playing/singing (/dancing to, but wouldn't admit it) Christmas music as much as we can.  It's the recipe for insta-happy home, I recommend it to everyone.

Happy Soup and Christmas Music season from our happy family to yours.  We hope it brings you as many smiles as it has for us!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

6 Month Sweetie

On November 4th Miss Brin was half-a-year old.  Yesterday she was 7 months.
And I have decided that the world has never seen a cuter baby.
That little round angel is by far the most wonderful thing there ever was!

I rest my case.
She is completely monopolizing the role of entertainer at our house, I don't think we've ever smiled so much.  It's fantastic!  This mama and dada couldn't be happier!

Thanks Jaylene for the fabulous photos!