Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Did I mention that I really love Fall?

I love the little nip in the air, love the colors, love bundling up in blankets and sweaters, love making soup, and LOVE the leaves changing.  In fact, we've been getting into the spirit of season a bit and have been enjoying a few home-makeover changes.  We re-arranged our living room and kitchen, revamped all of our wall decor, and a couple weeks ago I found some fall crafty ideas and just couldn't help myself.  

Last week we treated ourselves to a fall time classic favorite.  Tim really perfected the process, they turned out way better than they have in the past.  I still managed to make a huge mess of myself though.  How are you supposed to eat caramel apples anyway?

And what post would be complete without some pictures of Brin?  
She is, after all, the cutest!

We have been trying to build up her cold weather repertoire and found a super good deal on a pair of little suede boots.  She is in love with them!  She pulls them out of her drawer and asks for them all the time.  Sometimes, the boots are all she will wear.  At least she already loves shoes... such a girl.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Bug Is Back

I have said it before, and I'll say it again - I really do not care much for Halloween.  Every year I try to love it, but our Halloweening usually ends up being a bust.  But I do love candy, and I actually do really love cute little kids in costumes.  So, now that we happen to have a super cute little kid, I am hoping this holiday will move up on my list.  In fact, we've been practicing!  Yesterday I pulled Brin's old costume from last year out of the closet.  Remember this??

Hands down she was the cutest (and chunkiest) little lady bug!  It was a little big on her las year, so I thought I'd see how it fits now, and wouldn't you know, it worked!

Well... sort of worked.  The striped tights were a definite no go, the shirt was obviously a few sizes too small, and the rest was a little tight (read: really tight!) in the shoulders and diaper area.  But she was in love with it!  She ran around and shook that little bug butt all afternoon.  It was so fun!  I cannot believe how much she has grown.  Our little baby ladybug turned into a big girl ladybug... I'm not quite sure when that happened.

Although she looks fabulous in stretched out size 6-month bug clothes, this one isn't our final candidate for the real candy fest.  We have gone the rounds trying to decide what to dress her as this year, but I think we've settled, and I think it will be just as fabulous.  More to come on that later.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Becoming Un-Lazy

A few weeks ago there was a "code blue" at work while I was on shift, and I happened to be one of the code nurses that night.  So I put on my running feet and quickly scuttled on down to the ER...
And by the time I got there I was seriously winded!  The ER is literally just down the hall from my unit, and it's only a moderately long hall too.  But I was tuckered out.  Then they put me on compressions and that was it, i was spent.  By the end I was afraid was going to need resuscitated!
I can't say I was totally shocked, I can be lazy.  But really, that's bad.

Tim, on the other hand, is looking forward to running a marathon next year and has had himself on a jogging schedule.  It's starting to get pretty chilly outside though, and about the time I had my near cardiac arrest, Tim was starting to talk about wanting to look into indoor workout options.  So.  We drug ourselves around town the other day and found a sweet deal on a gym membership...

Now, Tim at a gym makes sense.  But me at a gym is comical.  You would think that as a nurse I would be super vigilant about a healthy, active lifestyle.  But I'm really not.  I like bacon way too much and am completely awkward even attempting any type of fitness activity.  It's terrible.  This morning I got my first use out of my gym card, and I think I might see if I can get a hold of the security camera footage.  I'm sure me floundering around on the elliptical could make for some quality entertainment.

But my best foot is forward, so, gym, here we come!  Back in my dancing days I used to really like a good workout.  It's got to be in there somewhere still, I'm sure if I dig deep I can find that joy in pain (I mean exercise) again.

I will not, however, give up bacon.  It means too much to me.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Goodbye September

Month 10... 
This year is flying by. It will be Christmas before we know it (not that I'm complaining about that, who doesn't love Christmas?!)  We did a little bit of last minute fair weather cramming the last couple of weeks before the fall chill really came to stay.  I've been meaning to update, but have been feeling super lazy instead.  So.  Here are a few of the favorites.  I will let you caption them yourself.  Be as creative as you like!

goodbye lake water