Tuesday, March 11, 2014

So Happy, So Blessed

Last night when I left for work Tim and I had our fingers crossed,
and this morning when I got home we were making plans to move across the country!

Yes, the long awaited day has finally come.  Tim is officially a future doctor!  He’s such a cute smarty pants  :)  For the sake of reliving past stressful experiences that are now merely fond memories, I’ll go ahead and jot down a few fun notes.  

Tim first applied in October.  It’s an annoyingly long (and expensive!)  process.  You choose what schools you want to apply to and send in your initial application, then any school that thinks you’re worth a look sends you a second application.  Once you’ve sent that in, they decide if they want to interview you, and from there they decide if they want to offer you a spot… kind of a headache, super stressful, and lots of waiting...  I hate waiting.  Tim had picked out 20 different schools.  For a few months he checked his email about 50 times a day, filled out several secondary applications, and waited to hear.  His wife was very anxious.

By the end of January, Tim had two interview offers, both of which were for pretty impressive schools.  His first interview went well, but it was after the Ohio interview when he came home really anxious.  He felt like the interview went really well, he loved the campus, loved the program, loved the opportunities there, and loved the area.  OSU  jumped right to the top of his med school wish list and had him daydreaming about becoming a Buckeye.  The board of admissions said it would be a few weeks (March 11th ish) before he would hear anything. 

And so, we waited,

There’s something quite exhausting about getting a few gray hairs, losing sleep, having your thoughts preoccupied with one thing, being super irritable, and being stuck with nothing to do about it but wait.  It was a long few weeks… for both of us!  Needless to say we were ecstatic last night when Tim got a personal phone call from the dean of admissions at Ohio State University letting him know that he has been accepted into the 2014 class!

Even between the two of us, we don’t have enough fingers and toes to count all of the tender mercies we have seen over the past several months.  We are so excited and are feeling SO blessed!  Tim is such an impressive smarty pants and has worked so hard.  We feel like Columbus is absolutely where we are meant to be headed and can already see how the Lord's hand has guided us along the whole way.  We are so grateful for the opportunity and are excited for the new adventure.  Can't wait to see where the years take us!

Ohio here we come!

Friday, March 7, 2014

A Little Seussy

March 2nd was Dr Seuss' 110th birthday

This calls for celebration!
I grew up on Dr Seuss and am still a huge fan.  I am embarrassed to say that I actually forgot his birthday was coming up and didn't remember until a day or two later... oops.  But PBS kids channel was doing a week long celebration with extra episodes of The Cat In the Hat show, so I figured we could go ahead and get in on that.  Better late than never!

Here's a run down of the festivities: Oh the Places You'll Go! rock walk and trip to the park, One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish colors game, goldfish counting game, How the Grinch Stole Christmas and Horton Hears a Who movies and coloring pages,  and the Cat's Hat marshmallow craft/treat.

And of course, we read all the books!  Brinlee helped me pick out all the things that are "seely" and "money" (that's "silly and funny" in Brinlee language).  It wasn't hard to do, his books are awesome!  And after all, as the Dr himself would say,

"From there to here, from here to there, 
funny things are everywhere!"

We hope you all had a funny, silly week.  And Happy Birthday Dr Seuss!