Sunday, May 31, 2015

Happiness is...

...having some fabulous visitors.
Look who we found in Ohio! 

My wonderful Maw Maw and Paw Paw are moving to Idaho and stopped to stay the night last night just outside Cincinnati.  And, as it turns out, that's just right up the road from us!  So we took a little day trip and spent the afternoon with two of the most fabulous people I know.

I have said it before, and I'll say it again.  I love my family!  
My life is full of the very best heaven had to offer and I am just grateful for such an awesome blessing!  I spent all day trying to soak in every minute of our visit and was of course super sentimental over seeing my girls with their Maw Maw and Paw Paw Great.  What a fun, special, and wonderful thing!


And the girls did awesome with the trip!  It was about an hour and a half drive, and we hardly heard a peep from them!  Brinlee watched movies and snoozed, McKenna slept and cooed.  It was magical!  It's making us a little more optimistic about maybe getting around to see a few things this summer.
Fingers crossed!

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Baking Buddies

Last night we finished dinner surprisingly early, daddy ran off to scouts, and the girls and I found ourselves with a whole evening to fill.  I was in the mood for a tasty treat, as always. So after tubbies we headed to the kitchen to bake up something sweet!  Can I just say, these two girls are simply the best little buddies!!  Brinlee was so cute and so fun, and actually an impressive helper!

This one was totally curious about everything happening, but was most interested in rolling (yes rolling! more to come on that later) all over the kitchen floor.

It was the perfect evening.  I feel 100% confident in saying that I am the luckiest mama ever!
I have the best little baking buddies ever to come along.
And I LOVE them!

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Sister Sunday

Hope you all had as good a week as we did!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Fashion Statement

Today I took Brinlee and McKenna and the little boy from down the street to the park for a while.  It was a nice enough day, but a little breezy, and once we got out in it, I realized it was just a tad bit chilly.  I had left McKenna in her jammies, but had managed to get out the door without a hat. Rats.  I did however have an extra pair of baby pants...

A little goofy, yes.  But it ended up working just fine! And it doubled as a nice sleepy time eye mask.  She snoozed in the car the whole way home.  I didn't actually have the camera at the park.  But I just had to snap a few once we got home.  It was too dang cute!  I think we're really on to something here.  This could easily catch on and be the up and coming thing at the height of baby fashion, don't you think?? Babies all over will be rockin' the pants hat.

Love this cute cute CUTE angel baby  :)

Friday, May 15, 2015

Grandmas and Grandpas

For the last few days our house has been full of Grandmas and Grandpas!
Is there anything better than that??  

My dad and Dianna and my sweet grandparents came out for a visit, and I found myself feeling a little sentimental about it (read: super mushy-gushy, teary-eyed, want to remember every detail). So I took a ton of pictures!  I have always been so grateful that I have been blessed to grow up knowing my grandparents so well, and now to watch my girls get to know them and make memories with them too is just... well, it's awesome!

So grateful for eternal families!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Rootin' Tootin' Space Ranger Birthday

For most people, "April showers bring May flowers"...
But in our house, April showers bring May Birtdhays!

On Sunday I turned 27, and yesterday Brin Bug turned 3.  She had gotten in her head that we not only needed to have a party, but that it needed to be a Woody and Buzz Toy Story party (fitting I suppose, I think she's only really ever seen the idea of a birthday party from the movie Toy Story).  Tim had actually been in the mood for a BBQ, which I decided I wanted too.  So on Saturday, we combined both and celebrated birthdays with a Toy Story BBQ.  Our little cowgirl was in heaven!

We had some of Brinlee's little friends and their parents over for a play date in the morning, then fired up the grill for lunch and did some eating. That's all I really wanted for my birthday, food!  :)  Tim did all the cooking, and even made and decorated the alien cupcakes!  Such an impressive fella.

On Monday for Brinlee's birthday dinner, she chose to go to "the milkshake place" (aka Stake'N'Shake).  After dinner we went home and did cake and presents with just our little family.  It was fun!  Brinlee was darling and got some cute stuff. McKenna was super into all of the wrapping paper, and Tim got pretty into Brin's new set of legos.  

I still can't believe they ever let me leave the hospital with this little sweetheart, and now she's 3...  
Are all 3-year-olds this awesome??  She is so smart and so sweet and SO much fun!!!  I can't help but smile when I look at her, she just makes my day.