Saturday, April 27, 2013

Linus Project

For Christmas my wonderful in-laws got me a sewing machine... and I LOVE it!!!

It's a Babylock, and yes, it's my "baby".  I had been wanting a machine for quite a while and had worked up a nice list of projects I wanted to do when I finally got one.  So, now that I have one, I decided it was time to pick a project and get to know my "baby" by making a blanket for my baby!  A few days of a little work here and there...

And voila! A blanket for Brin!

Confession: I am a little rusty with my sewing, so this project took way longer than it probably should have... but for first timers I think we did all right.  And so far the little lady seems to like it ok.  She's currently quite attached to an old blanket of Tim's, so it may take her some time to warm up to a new friend.  But, with any luck, she'll latch on.  And who knows, perhaps some day, "she'll turn it into a sport coat".

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Birthday In Boise

My beautiful sister had a birthday last week and to celebrate, we had a party.  I love birthdays and we always love Boise.  It was a fabulous weekend.  The pictures are the best part, but I'll at least label the highlights.

1. A little side trip to visit some good friends

2. A fantastic party at a super yummy restaurant with a gorgeous birthday girl

3. An afternoon outside with grandpa Borup... and a walk in the grass that the little one actually didn't really care for

4. Some cuddles with cousins

My sister is absolutely one of the most amazing people I have ever known.  If I could grow up to be the kind of woman she is my life would certainly be wonderful!  So glad we were able to join in the birthday celebrating.

Thursday, April 11, 2013


There's nothing better than cute little girls with cute little ponytails!  Unfortunately, so far our cute little girl is mostly hair-less.  She comes by it honestly, poor baby.  Her mama didn't have any hair until she was three.

There's not much you can do with blonde fuzz.  She does have a little patch right on the top of her head though, and this morning we decided to try our hand at a little hair-do.

She didn't love the ponytail process, and it was a little too tight for her taste, and... it made her look even more bald... so it didn't last very long.  But it turned out so dang cute!  Makes me anxious to see some more hairs.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Double Digits

Apparently our little lady is a bit of a late bloomer.  For the last several months we've been in and out of some teething... but no teeth were actually showing up.  Last month she turned 10 months and to herald in her advancement to the double digits, she cut her first little tooth!

Last week we greeted her 11 month mark and today she cut tooth number 2!  It's killing me how big she is, but this little tooth-cutting champion is so much fun!!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Rain Rain Go Away

We were teased with several days of super nice, warm, sunny weather... 
and now we're back to chilly rainy days.
We are all anxious to see some more sun

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Sweetest Baby Ever

Yes, I had yet another photo session done of Brinlee...

Usually I wait until we are in Boise with the Borups and have one of my favorite family photographers snap some shots.  They always turn out SO good!  But Brin had hit her 10 month mark (GAK!!!) and I was itchin' to get her sweet face photoed before she's a year.  As it turns out a friend of mine over here dabbles in photography and was doing discounted Easter shots.  So, I dolled her up and hauled her over and the other day we got our prints back!  Brin was not in a super smiley mood that day, but we got some pretty dang cute ones anyway.  Seriously, do they come any cuter?!?

Easter 2013

I have always LOVED Easter.  Ever since I was little it has been one of my favorite holidays, for a lot of reasons.  But this year it became even more of a favorite when we added "having a super cute little Easter baby" to my list of reasons why I love Easter!  Seriously... she was darling!!!

The weather was beautiful, church was wonderful, and our family basket was awesome.  The Easter Bunny left donuts and treats for Tim and I, and bubbles and a new book for Brin.  I thought it would be fun to let her see the egg dying stuff, but pictured her busy hands being a huge disaster.  So the eggs took place after baby bedtime instead.  I did do one for her though, bet you can't guess which one it is.

By far Brinlee's favorite part of it all was the dozen or so empty plastic eggs.  She loves those things!  Never mind that Easter won't come around for another year, those things have signed a long term lease and have set up camp in her treasure chest.

How grateful we are for our savior Jesus Christ and for the peace and happiness that comes with a knowledge of the restored Gospel.  Life is good and we are truly blessed.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

When the Sun Shines

The spring weather is finally here and we are LOVING IT!  We ventured outdoors the other day, without jackets, and enjoyed an afternoon at the park.  We figured BrinBug would like to play.  Surprisingly, she was less than impressed.  We tried the swings.  She hated it.  We did the slide.  She could take it or leave it.  She stood up to and walked around the stairs like a big girl, but was more excited about trying to eat the dirt...

She did however LOVE the grass.  One success!  And the day did officially wear her out.  She slept awesome.

Despite our best efforts, in the end, Bug's little cheeks and nose ended up a little pink.  Baby's first sunburn... bummer.  Tim told me on the way home that I was probably more excited about the park than Brin was.  That would appear to be true.  I did climb into that swing a little too eagerly... 
But all in all we had a good time.  I'm not willing to give up on my "fun family park day" visions just yet, so I'm sure we will make it a fairly regular thing.  Maybe she'll warm up to it a bit more after a while.

New Look

Goodbye March, hello April, and welcome Spring!!!

Oh blessed warm weather!  It is SO nice to not have to wear so many layers all the time.  Never mind that I did just buy a pair of on-sale-end-of-season boots that were a super good deal that now probably won't see much foot time until next fall, the sunshine is wonderful!

The breeze through the open windows did stir up that pesky little "spring itch" of mine though...
winter tends to make me lazy, and spring tends to make me antsy.  I get overloaded with visions of cleaning/revamping/completely re-doing everything.  So far last weekend fell victim to cleaning, and this blog took a hit when I decided it needed a fresh new look.  I've experimented with backgrounds before and always go back to my old ways.  So far I don't love it... we'll see how long it lasts.

A new haircut is next on my list.

We took Brin to the park the other day and, though she did not seem as thrilled as I thought she'd be, we got some fun photos... and some sunburns... dang.  She was the cutest little Easter baby I have ever seen though!!  :)  More on that to come later.

Happy Sunshiney Days from our warm happy family to yours!