Monday, November 29, 2010

sick sick sick...

For Thanksgiving this year Tim and I had an awesome time with his family. Everyone congregated in Boise, and besides the fact that they don't watch the Macy's Day parade (still troubled by that one) and us finishing last in the ping pong bracket, being home for the holiday was fantastic! Plenty of good food and good fun!!

I did however manage to catch a nasty case of strep throat... I don't know what it is about me, I'm an illness magnet. I am fairly acquainted with strep throat (read: I get it all the time), but it never gets less miserable to have. And I have a 20 page paper due on Friday. So, unlike last year's swine flu, I went to the doctor, am now 2 days into a 10 day round of penicillin, and I can swallow again mostly pain free. Thank goodness for modern medicine!

Huge shout out to Tim! That wonderful man picked me up last Sunday morning after a 12 hour night shift at the hospital and let me sleep while he drove us to Boise, and then yesterday he made me a bed in the back of the car and let my 102-degree feverish self sleep while he drove all the way back home. Probably not his favorite trip ever, but I am sure grateful!

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Well Halloween costuming this year was a bust... we went as a stressed out nursing student and a lonely husband. There's just something about no sleep, 12 hour hospital days, and living in textbooks that hasn't really put me in a very festive mood I guess. Unfortunately Tim being off track and ready for some holiday fun makes my nonfestiveness look even more lame. Poor guy has been practically wifeless all semester. A month and a half down, 2 more to go!

We did manage to get into the Halloween spirit a little bit though, treats, a movie and pumpkin carving, not too bad! Never mind that we were almost 2 weeks late...

Tim's pumpkin turned out really cool! Mine would have, but I got too frustrated and it started failing instead. So I decided to let it go and leave it with the happy image of what could have been.

Nobody dips a caramel apple like I do though, Amen.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Tim's 23!

Tim turned 23 yesterday, he's getting to be such an old man! Since his birthday was on a Sunday the lucky little ducky got to celebrate twice! We spent all day Saturday up by the lake, even though it was chilly (read: freezing cold!)...

Red Robin for dinner that night...

And breakfast in bed with homemade fondue for dinner Sunday night. Not too bad birthday boy!