Wednesday, February 18, 2015

And Another Sweet Kid

While I had stuff set up the other day for pictures of McKenna, Brinlee surprised me and asked me to take some of her.  She almost never wants the camera pointed at her!  Even getting plain old snapshots around the house usually ends up involving some bribery.  I was shocked.  And it was even on a day she left her clothes on!  Usually by breakfast she has stripped down to her undershirt and panties and runs around like that all day.... so nice.  She got tired of it pretty quick and didn't sit still super well (she is 2 after all), but I did manage to catch a couple keepers of this angel girl.

She is seriously the best!  I couldn't have asked for a more fun, funny, clever, sweet, good, special, creative, smart, loving little buddy to have around all the time.  She makes me laugh every day!  I could write a book about all the things she says and does.  She loves to help me in the kitchen, loves to read, loves to make up stories and play pretend, loves to build and draw, loves to sing and dance, loves to talk, loves to laugh, and loves her "baby sister".  She gives McKenna more hugs and kisses than anyone else gets.  She talks to her, sings to her, shares toys with her, and teaches her everything she's doing ("McKenna, this is how you eat breakfast! McKenna, this is how you pick up toys!").  It's my favorite thing!  :)

Oh this cutie.  
I don't know how she got to be so awesome, but we sure get a kick out of her.  She brings our home so many smiles!  
If only she would stop growing so fast.

3 Months Already!

Well, McKenna is 1/4 of a year old...
3 whole months already...
I really don't understand how time can move so quickly.  It really kind of stinks.  But just look how dang sweet she is!!

Couldn't you just kiss those cheeks all day??  I do.  And trust me, it doesn't get old  :)
I really like the newborn baby phase, but I am remembering how much I love when these little ones start to do things and be interactive.  It is so much fun!  
This girl is so happy ALL the time.  And so far, she is a serious social butterfly.  She really doesn't like when the attention is not on her, but she makes it easy.  All you have to do is just look at her, and she smiles, and talks, and kicks, and coo's, and, yes, occasionally even giggles.  Sigh... it's the best!

Did you notice the arm rolls on this lady?  She is getting some serious chubbies!  And it doesn't stop with the arms, she's got it all!
The leg rolls.
The baby belly.
The chipmunk cheeks.

And last but not least, the double chin!  She is into size 6 month clothes and has already put even a couple of those outfits to shame.  But there's nothing wrong with a chubby, happy baby!

She is getting more particular about how she spends her awake time.  She adores Brinlee and could just sit and watch her play all day  :)  She's a total busy body and wants to see everything, so laying down is now way out of the question. She really wants to sit up, but can't quite yet.  So we do a lot of holding her right now. She still mostly hates tummy time, but she has gotten really good at keeping her face up out of the carpet, so that helps.  She thinks that chewing on her hands and blowing bubbles though are super awesome.  We see So. Much. Drool. Her outfits are always soaked!  But she's cute, so we won't hold that against her.

Oh so sweet.
I know this post is kind of picture packed. But can you blame me?? This baby is to die for!  We are so in love with our little sweetie.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

So That's How I Talk...

Having a very talkative toddler is making me quite a bit more aware of the things I do and really aware of the things I say!  And sometimes that's a good thing.
Other times... not so much.

The other day Brinlee got up real close to McKenna and said "Hi Honey! Smile Honey!"  And when McKenna got sad, Brinlee rubbed her little head and said "I know Honey, it's ok baby".  Later when she was babbling to herself I heard "Brinny, you're awesome! I love you very much!"

Talk about precious.  I'm ok with her getting that from me.

Then the next day... I was in the kitchen and heard Brinlee in the other room saying "McKenna do you hear what I saying? Are you listening? Make a good choice! Be a listener!" And later I heard her say to her toys "It's time for nappy. Stay in bed or you be in trouble!"

Hmm.  Not so precious.  I hadn't really realized how I must sound until I heard it back.  Woops. 
At least what I was saying got across.  She was obviously listening!  I suppose maybe I need to be more careful with some of my toddler communication methods. Then maybe it might not be so bad to hear her use mommy talk.


Friday, February 13, 2015

Return of the Bumbo

Well, we have said hello again to an old friend.  Yes, the Bumbo is back!!!
You might recall that when Brinlee was a tiny, she loved that thing.  And now we have a new tiny, and she seems to be following in her sister's footsteps. She struggles a bit though.  She thinks she's so big, and she really wants to sit up!  But so far her bumbo time is a little... lopsided.  That head is just so heavy!  She gets it for a second... 
Then, she kind of crumples and leans off to one side.
Then she spits out her passie and talks to it,
then she finds her hand and sucks on it,
then finds her foot and talks to it,
then she remembers she doesn't like sitting all crumpled over,
then she screams.
And this all happens in about a 2 minute time frame.  
And it's REALLY cute!  

See?  I told you it's cute  :)

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Happiness is...

...walking into a room with a floor covered in toys and finding your toddler "reading" her scriptures instead.  
Her little voice telling her toys her rendition of the Book of Mormon stories is just the best!

Sure love that sweet, clever, very! crazy-haired girl.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Blessing the Baby

On Sunday we blessed sweet little McKenna.  Now, she's official! 
It was fairly low key.  We weren't able to have any family come out, so we called on a few of our good friends to stand in (they were more than willing of course, everyone adores that baby!).  McKenna looked heavenly in her little dress, and Tim gave a beautiful blessing.  We have done this twice now, and I've decided it is one of my favorite things about having a baby.  I just think it is so sweet and so special.

We tried for a few photos after church... let's just say we didn't get anything fantastic.  McKenna had just about had it, and Brinlee only sort of cooperated after she had taken off her tights and shoes, put on her goofy slippers, and stuffed some skittles in her mouth.  Sigh... oh well.

Love my blue-eyed babies!

I actually got pictures of McKenna a few weeks ago.  I was dying to see her in that dress!  I'm glad I did it when I did too.  The little bonnet only barely kind of fit then and wasn't even close 3 weeks later for the blessing day.  She is growing so fast!  But she is SO sweet.  

I'm not sure we deserve such a perfect little angel, but we are so in love with her and so SO grateful to have her!