Wednesday, September 28, 2016


I'm considering starting my own fashion magazine.  My models are amazing!

Monday, September 26, 2016


Back in elementary school, every once in a while we used to have these days called Read In's.
Basically it was a book day.  You would bring whatever chapter book (or books) you were working on, and lots of snacks, and a blanket and a pillow, and we would move all the desks, and everyone would pick a spot on the floor to set up camp, and all we would do all day is eat and read (and maybe nap a little, though I don't know if that was really supposed to happen...),
and it was awesome!

Brinlee has graduated from wanting short picture books any more before bed, so for the past couple of weeks we have been working through something a little heftier.  Her first big girl book choice was Charlotte's Web. Excellent choice!
This morning we woke up to a really impressive thunder storm. Conveniently enough we were pretty close to the end of her book too, and had nowhere we needed to be.  So, we set up a Read In!  We built our beds, finished the last couple chapters of her book, popped some popcorn, and then watched the movie.  We all dressed as our favorite characters.  Brinlee was Charlotte, of course.  McKenna ended up being Fern Arable (because she wouldn't wear anything else), and mommy got to be Wilbur... the pig.

It was the perfect morning!

Saturday, September 24, 2016


 Is it too early to get her started on chores?

Maybe so?

Friday, September 23, 2016


This darling girl had her fist day of preschool on Tuesday!

We're doing joy school again this year, but it's joy school version 2.0!  The other mom I'm doing it with has a LOT in her arsenal when it comes to pre-k and kindergarten age academic know-how, and of course I have my awesome mom that I call on, often!  So we're beefing it up a little this go around.  They get to take a lunch and everything!
And Brinlee is so excited!
She headed out the door on Tuesday with a face full of smiles and came home with her face even more full of smiles!

Her teacher sent me this while she was gone.

Seriously, is she not the cutest?!  She is so smart, and fun, and spunky, and awesome.
It's a good thing she only goes across the street so far.  When I have to send her farther I may have a tough time.
She goes twice a week.  I took another picture of her today, just because... honestly.  So cute!
Yay for pre-school!

On the weeks I don't teach I get 3 and a half hours every Tuesday and Friday alone with this little face!  
On Tuesday we ran errands, and she wasn't happy.  So today, we just played.  And she ate it up!  I usually see and play with these girls together, it's so different and nice to get one-on-one time every once in a while.
She is so much fun!

I kind of love that I'm starting to find more things like this around the house that now have McKenna's little mark all over them.  She sure takes after Brin and is really starting to play cute.

Everyone should get to spend a morning with such an awesome, goofy little buddy!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


...your 4 year old hollering 
"Hey mom! Come in my room!  I have a surprise for you!"
And then going in to find her bed not only made (without you asking),
but finding it made absolutely flawlessly!

Loving this!

Thursday, September 15, 2016


Oh you shy little tree out there, 
in the still warm and summery air-
Are you blushing Orange, Yellow and Red?

Oh I hope so! And pray you're not fibbing.
For if you are, (now I'm only half kidding)
when Fall comes it may find us all dead!

Yes I wrote that. Hold your applause please.

Today while the girls and I were out for a walk we passed by that tree on our street,
the one that is always the first to start announcing Fall...

And I can't be sure, but it sure looked like some of her leaves were giving the friendly sign!

And oh, I couldn't be happier to see it!  This summer has been so, SO hot!  And so far, even being 2 weeks into September now, we aren't really getting a break! I keep waiting for those nice cool mornings, and that friendly chill to settle in the air.  But it is taking its sweet time.  And I am getting restless. 
Hot sticky humidity starts to wear you down after a while!

Those leaves look promising though! All day now I've had the stirrings of change tickling my insides,
and I'm just getting so excited!  

Bring on the sweaters,
the apple picking,
the pumpkin desserts, 
the soups simmering,
the beautiful colors, 
the warm socks,
the football games,
the chill in the breeze, 
that smell in the air,
the Charlie Brown specials,
the Halloween festivities,
the piles of leaves,
the steaming hot chocolate...

There you have it September, you can bring on Fall!  We are SO ready!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016


Because sometimes dad's shoes are more fun than your own.

Because sometimes your day just wears you right out!

Because sometimes you just need to grocery shop in style.

Because sometimes a fort makes everything more fun.

Because sometimes traditional studying methods just don't work for you.

Because sometimes you just need a pool day.

Because sometimes you're up early enough to catch beauties like this.
(Ok let's be real, Tim is up early enough for this kind of thing)

Because sometimes your little hairs start getting long enough for big girl hair-do's.

Because sometimes you just want to paint.

Because sometimes you can't believe how fast they are growing, 
and still can't believe how blessed you are to have your counter tops and memory boxes 
full of papers like these.

Because sometimes your sister is awesome at counting and is the best story time reader.

Because sometimes your husband builds you kitchen shelves 
and you want to try your hand at live herbs.

Because sometimes you get a haircut, and nobody really notices, 
but you feel like a whole new woman anyway.

Because sometimes you need your toilet seat decorated 
(Design by Brinlee Borup)

Because sometimes you feel really crummy 
and just want to cuddle with a beach ball in a steamy bath.

Because sometimes you still feel crummy and need someone who can sympathize.

Because sometimes you are trying to sing your toddler to bed, but she serenades you instead.

Because sometimes you realize how awesome and creative your 4-year-old is.

Because sometimes mom is the best at hide and seek.

Because sometimes you need a wild-haired little helper.

Because sometimes you run over the cell phone cord with the vacuum, 
and your 4-year-old has to text dad right away and tattle on you, complete with photo proof.

Because sometimes upside down goggles are at the height of fashion.

Because sometimes,
it's the littlest parts of your day 
that bring the most smiles and make your life the most fabulous,
and make you feel the most blessed,
and make you wonder how in the world you got so very lucky!