Saturday, May 7, 2011


This past fall my grandpa was drawn for a moose tag (his life long dream, so fun!) and he and my dad tromped around the Idaho woodlands until they found one! Success!! And now we are all enjoying the product of their hard work. My dad filled our freezer and this weekend I tried my hand at moose meat cookin'. Nothing too special, just paddies and mashed potatoes... baby steps you know. I didn't really have to season much at all though, moose is really good! Maybe Tim should get into hunting... I think we could get used to this!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

DeeAnna's 23!

Well another year has come and gone, and now I'm on to the big 23. They always say another year older is another year wiser... I suppose that may be true. I've compiled a short list of the wisdom my 22nd year has left with me:

- Eggs freeze in the back of the fridge
- Money not budgeted magically disappears
- Migraine headaches are still misery
- Ping Pong is the game of champions... and I need serious work
- Husbands are not accountable for what happens in the kitchen without wife supervision
- You can survive nursing school and there is life after!
- Primary is the greatest calling

I'm excited for what year 23 will bring. So far it has come bearing cake, balloons, flowers, and a date to Olive Garden with my sweetheart. This year is shaping up to be pretty good. Oh to be 23!