Friday, April 27, 2012

Beginning of the End

Dun dada DAH!!! (read with an air of triumphant trumpet sound)  Tim is officially in his last semester of BYU undergraduate school, and he is LOVING it!  ..... sort of...

Getting into medical school is not for the faint hearted!  But at least there is a light at the end of this tunnel.  The forecast for now?  Sunny!

.... never mind that from there the forecast is school, school, and more school... we're just reveling in this glory for now.  July graduation here we come!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Short Lived

This evening I walked out of the hospital after a long day as a nurse, and the next time I walk back into a hospital I will be a patient.  Yes it's true, I am officially on maternity leave!  Which means my workin' days were a little short lived.  But little girl could come any time now.  Besides we're starting to get uncomfortable so... I plan to enjoy 8-12 weeks of guilt-free "fun"!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Blast From the Past

Tim recently (read: finally!) upgraded his cell phone, which ended up serving as a nice reminder that I had a bunch of old pictures trapped on my old phone.  So Tim worked some magic and voila!  We now have them!  And my goodness some of them are old!  Allow me to review a few:

My nephew Aiden... he's now 5

And my other nephew Brian... he's now 9!  And still makes that face actually

My best friend Darcy and I our Junior year just after a performance at Boise State.  I think I'm not quite 17 here... but the slicked back dancer hair is always flattering.

This is Wentworth.  You met his brother Bosworth a couple months ago in this post here, but this guy was created from the first snowfall in Logan Utah during our first semester of college there (2006), and then lived in our freezer for... a while.

And my all time personal favorite:
16 year old DeeAnna and 17 year old Tim on a Friday night high school date!  Awe.... 

Overlooking the noticeably poor quality of my primitive phone photography, overall this was kind of a fun little find!  Now I'm on somewhat of a nostalgic "long lost memory" binge and am wondering where I can dig up the next batch of old, classic, and more-than-likely embarrassing photos to reminisce about... this could keep me entertained for a while

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Question and a Comment

Comment: Feeling a baby move has got to be the coolest thing ever!
Question: Must I really be in the bathroom 36 times a day and have ankles doubled in size?

... That is all

Saturday, April 14, 2012

From Bedroom to Baby Room... and Then Some

Well, it's happened... our little home has officially been taken over by baby!  

Unborn baby that is.  We're on the last stretch of the due date count down and a few weeks ago decided we ought to think about making room for the bundle of joy and all her stuff.  Moving to a new place just in time for Tim to graduate didn't seem to make a ton of sense, but we are lacking in a second bedroom.  Thus we initiated the "Bedroom to Baby Room" project.

And then we advanced to the "Home for 2 to Home for 3" project.  We now have a  bathroom with a baby tubby, a hallway cupboard packed with diapers, a kitchen of bibs and bottles, and a living room bookshelf lost to baskets full of toys, burp clothes, and passies.  So much fun!!!  Oh!  And my favorite baby home makeover feature:

And we are set!  Home for two converted to home for three, steadily growing, and happy as ever!

Sugar Mama:

Pronounced Shoogah'Mama, the term denotes one who is of the female gender and works to bring home money which she uses to treat her man to something nice...

and apparently for us, "something nice" equates to cheap but super delicious frozen custard at the adorable  little place just down the street from our house.... That's how I role.

Yay for pay checks!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

What's New?

Extra Extra Read All About It!  Hot off the press, a
Borup Family Update: 

Our little family has been super busy lately with quite a bit of new and exciting stuff!  I am now a workin' woman.  That's right, I have a New Job!!!  It's my first real nursing job actually, so I've been learning my way around the hospital for the last few weeks and am trying to get a hang of things.  But so far I am loving it!  The twelve hour shifts get a little long, but the New Numbers in our savings account are wonderful!

Plus, I've been able to justify a few New Additions to my wardrobe.  My New Tennis Shoes are getting a workout, and I went and bought some New Scrubs, which are super cute, but unfortunately may not fit for much longer thanks to my New and Increased Belly Size.

Baby girl is 35 weeks along now and still busy growing!  Which is good, but we've had to experiment with some New Sleeping Arrangements... namely lots of pillows.  :)

The man of the house has had quite a schedule as well.  A couple weeks ago Tim went to Utah and presented a New Batch of Research at a conference, for which we bought him a New (and quite dashing looking) Pair of Slacks.  Last week he finished up finals and now has some New Grades on his transcripts, and this week he has been enjoying some New Free Time while he waits to start a New Semester on Tuesday. 

On a non-academic note, Tim has discovered a New Love for cooking!  Actually, he probably would not agree with that... but after a long day at work I sure love it!

In other news, we have discovered a  New Favorite Treat and in the last two and a half weeks have shamefully devoured three batches of caramel corn...

The New Springy Weather finally showing its face is perfect for a New Hobby though.  We had a fun park picnic and have gone on a few sunny walks. which burns calories, right? ... so I say bring on the carmel corn!

We have a New Lamp in our living room, and actually now have a completely New Apartment Set-Up conveniently conducive to the soon-to-be New Baby (more info on that forthcoming).  My sister got married last weekend and we now have a New Member of the Family!  Big congratulations to the Stanford's and warm welcomes to David, we look forward to the memories!

And we just got our New Favorite Movie in the mail!  We Bought a Zoo - Highly recommend it.

And that's all for now I think.  Stay tuned for the next
Borup Family Update!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Spring Has Sprung

I LOVE spring time!!!  It always brings such fun things!  
new baby animals,
soon to be new baby Borup, 
and of course EASTER!

Our Easter celebrating this year turned out pretty rockin'!  The Easter bunny (wink wink) was good to us this year.  Baby B got a basket full of fun goodies, and Tim and I got some sugar we don't need!

We hid some eggs for each other and filled them with redeemable tidbits like a massage, a favorite dinner, etc.  It was fun I thought, minus the fact that Tim is a brutal egg hider!  He made up for it with a nice Easter breakfast though: creamed eggs on toast, strawberries, and bacon.  Yes!

And the egg competition this year was definitely one for the record books.   The contestants really upped their game...
And the winners were totally deserving of their blue ribbons!  

Easter has become one of our favorite holidays.  What a blessing to have the knowledge of the restored gospel.  How sweet it is to know of the atonement and the resurrection, to know of our Savior Jesus Christ, and to know that even tough days are more than worth it.  It truly does make all the difference simply just to know!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Dinner and a Movie

So, as it turns out, I am pregnant... which apparently makes me pretty awesome.  SO awesome in fact that my doctor's office gave me a coupon for a free date night!  That's right, one ticket good for two movie tickets, a pizza, and two large soft drinks at no cost to us!  And just in time for the Hunger Games movie!  Don't mind if we do!

We played a pretty intense game of bowling.  Unfortunately the bowling ball that I happen to be carrying (aka Baby B) did not at all care for bowling.  Thus I spent the entire game perfecting the infamous "granny bowl" stance.... 

And then took her to enjoy something more up her alley.

Needless to say it wasn't my most glamorous evening... Tim on the other hand looked pretty good!  And he did substantially better than I did.  Though neither of us is quite ready for world competitions just yet.  We're shooting for next year.

Ski Ball on the other hand is totally my game!  And the tickets I won (well... that Tim and I won) got us some really awesome pink play-dough which entertained us til the movie started.

YAY for fun date nights with a wonderful man, and YAY for the Hunger Games!