Saturday, November 23, 2013

Nurse's Note: Bed Baths and Ode To Coban

Our family is having a hard time keeping the sickies away (thank you winter), and poor Little Miss has had it bad.  She spent a week and a half really moody with a nasty cough, fevers, and a terrible runny nose.  We exhausted our bag of tricks early with no luck and the poor baby ended up on her first round of antibiotics for her first ear infection.  She's taking it without a fuss and handling it really well.  It did give her some diarrhea though, which re-kindled a somewhat dormant quirk of mine.

One of my "things" is dirty bed sheets.  They totally gross me out.  I get these terrible mental images of developing nasty diseases or of things crawling on me in the night.  Gack!  I used to have a very strict "change at least once a week" policy.  Lately I haven't been so vigilant though, and Brinlee's sheets had been on for quite a while.  And then the diaper happened.  At first she was all tears and really upset about it.  That cleared up quickly.

This round of bed baths was more involved than my usual.  Brinlee sleeps with several "cuddlies" (blankets and stuffed animals).  We bundled all of her stuffed friends into pillow cases and stripped her mattress and it took two loads!  Why does she have so much stuff??

While her stuff was washing, Brin got to dress out of mommy's closet.  She was thrilled.  And adorable.

And she was fascinated with her stripped mattress.  She was perfectly content in there...

...until she fell and whacked her face, and then she couldn't get out of there fast enough.

When the laundry was all done I had her help me make her bed, and I could not have been a more proud mama.  I am a weird bed maker.  Poor Tim has given up trying in that department, I always strip it and re-make it.  I can't help myself, I have a system.  
And apparently Brinlee has a system too.  She spent forever straightening all her blankets until they were layered and flat and lying just so.  Like mother like daughter.

She was very pleased with her work.

Her friends didn't dry very quickly, our bathroom stayed occupied over night.  They smelled awesome though!  I love that smell.  I think I have gotten re-excited about doing this more often.  There's nothing more comfy than a fresh, clean bed.
Well... except for brand new socks... there really is nothing more comfy than that.

On a non-cold weather related note, I sliced my thumb off last week.

That was annoying.  I was trying to cut apple slices really quick to appease a hungry little girl while we waited on dinner, and instead I got trapped in the bathroom, without the tip of my thumb, getting nothing done. 
I really shouldn't be left unsupervised I guess.     
Quite honestly, it wasn't that bad.  Just dumb.  Naturally the ER never crossed my mind (I work with those people, how embarrassing!).  Besides, our cupboard is stocked with a few goodies that did the trick just right: sterile gauze, and coban!

I use this stuff all the time at the hospital, and I knew it was neat.  But it has officially gained a permanent place on our "must have for our first aid kit" list.  This stuff rocks!  No bandaid in the world will really stay on the tip of a finger.  But coban... it stays anywhere.  It doesn't use adhesives that leave nasty stuff on your skin, serious bonus.  And it comes in all kinds of cool colors.  With coban, you can keep your ouchies dressed without ruining the look of your outfit.  I'm sold!

Coban does not however take away pain, and that stinking thumb hurt like crazy for a long time.  I am happy to report that it is almost 100% better now though.  But I am tempted to keep up with the coban bandages anyway.  It's that awesome.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Think Distraction

We've been having just a little bit of trouble lately getting the little Bug to eat her meals... It's terrible.  The scrawny little thing eats like a bird.  Just a few bites and she's done.  Unless she has something in her hands that is.  This was lunch yesterday:

I don't get it, but it works.  If she is preoccupied, the girl will eat anything, and lots of it!  So, the name of the mealtime game has become distraction.  I can only hope she gets over this phase soon.  The stinker gets bored quick, and my creativity is running thin.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

18 Months

Our little lady turned 18 months at the start of November.
She is getting to be so dang fun!  She has the most darling little personality, the sweetest little spirit, and, of course, the cutest little face in the world!

She is busy!  She almost never sits still, has to touch everything, is quite the dancer, and shows off her "happy feet" all the time.  She loves to problem solve and and climbs onto or into everything.  

And can I just say we are loving nursery!!  It's a program at church for the young ones that translates into mom and dad actually getting to hear the lessons.  She is a little shy, but she loves watching and running around with the kids! 

She "talks" all the time, some is understandable, some.... isn't.  She is a Disney fanatic and currently wants Pooh, Kusko, "me-me" (Mickey or Minnie that is), and Wall-E. She struts around in necklaces, loves toothbrushes, and is very stingy about giving kisses. 

She loves to play chase, hide-and-seek, and wrestle.  She still loves to read, stashes toys everywhere, and stacks and builds with anything she can get her hands on.  She has a goofy and playful personality, has a bit of an attitude, and can be a little stubborn...

But she smiles and laughs easily, cracks herself up all the time, and keeps our home warm and happy.

Basically, she is an angel, and we are 100 percent in love with her!  She is hands down the smartest most adorable little girl and we feel so lucky to have her call us "mama" and "daddy".  Happy 18 months Brin Bug!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Birthday Boy

We took a quick trip over to Boise last weekend and ended up traveling on Tim's birthday... real party.  But even away from home, this kid ended up with two dessert nights, a special breakfast, and steak dinner.  Not bad I'd say.  It was well deserved.  He is, after all, the most handsome 26-year-old ever!
Happy Birthday Tim!!!

Sunday, November 10, 2013


  One of these cuties was a little too unsure about this whole photo-op situation to give up the pacifier...
I won't name any names...
But are these not the dang sweetest kids in the world??
Love us some cousin lovin'!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Well... We Tried

Well, once again, Halloween bested us this year.  And it wasn't even for lack of effort this time, I had seriously planned ahead!  I went to the store a while ago and had visions of festive food, decorations, and yes, even costumes!  I was ready to tackle this holiday this year, but we ended up sick instead  :(  I got sent home from work and spent the last few days sleeping, Brin spent a night throwing up like crazy and today finally doesn't have a fever, and Tim has had zero energy.  

Halloween 1: Borups 0

We did manage a few fun things though.  Here's some photo proof of our efforts anyway.
Breakfast on Halloween morning (prior to the puking).  Brin loved it!  Hers was the jack-o-lantern, Tim got the spider and web, and I got the ghost.

Yesterday night we finally got around to my dinner menu item: Mummy pizza.  It actually looked way cooler before I melted the cheese, I should have taken a picture of that.  It was yummy though.  Tim picked the dessert, worms and dirt, a classic.

Our costume ideas will have to wait til next year, we were too tired.  We did still dress up the little one for a few minutes, before the raging fevers came.  We didn't actually get to take her out and show her off anywhere, but we managed some sweet photos.  She borrowed a lion costume from a cousin and was so dang cute!!!  

Even feeling a little under the weather she is the cutest, sweetest little angel.  Love this little lion girl!