But whatever the reason, a little break away from it all was sounding very nice. So, we packed up the car and headed north for a couple days.
Stop #1 was in Kirtland Ohio. Forgive the lack of pictures here. Most of the Kirtland sights were not stroller-friendly, so Tim wrestled one child while I wrestled the other, and the camera got a little neglected. But it was really neat.
The Kirtland temple was really pretty impressive. Some good stuff happened there! I am not very place and event savvy, but this made me want to brush up on my church history.
Stop #2 was easily Brinlee's favorite!
A few months ago she picked out a Little Critter book at the library where they spend the day at the beach. She spent all summer talking about the beach, and wanting to go to the beach. So, Tim mapped out a course that would take us to Lake Erie, and we spent some time in Pennsylvania at the beach!
She was in heaven!
It was quite breezy, and kind of chilly. I thought she would want to be done pretty quickly. But she braved the water like a champ! In fact, she braved it a little too bravely
First of all, if that doesn't earn Tim the Father of the Year award, I don't know what will!
In Brinlee's defense, it did drop off and get deep super fast.
Not so much in her defense, that video was her second plunge. The first time she "fell in" was literally within the first 2 minutes after her feet hit the sand before we even had her out of her clothes. So wonderful.
I'm kind of wishing we lived closer to water. It was fun.
McKenna wasn't so sure what she thought of that wind...
But she did love the sand, and the water. And for some reason this beach had a bounty of really good skipping stones. McKenna really loved watching that!
Stop #3 was a day at Niagra Falls!
This is going to sound snooty, but when we stopped at the first lookout I was actually a little underwhelmed. But then we found a better viewing spot, then we took the classic boat ride out around the biggest fall, then we went down underneath some and practically got blasted by 75,000 gallons of water falling over a cliff every second! (Yes, that's a true fact. And that was just one of the smaller falls even!)
In the end it was definitely not a disappointing experience, but rather became a reverent "Oh Lord, my God, when I in awesome wonder..." type experience. We really loved it.
And the girls did awesome! Not a peep from them the entire time, even when we were getting soaked.
Oh, Canada!
It was so weird to be just one bridge-crossing away from exploring another country, and we couldn't do it. Neither of us actually have passports. Yes, that's how awesome we are. But it did look cool from the American side. And we did meet some really nice Canadians. Maybe someday we'll go back more prepared and see their view.
This was another one of Brinlee's trip highlights - riding the trolley, "Just like Daniel Tiger and Mr. Roger's Neighborhood does!"
There was a neat aquarium that was included in our passes. That was McKenna's favorite part. They actually had a really neat Seal performance complete with a very touching " Go Green and save your animal friends of the sea" musical number that surely touched even the hardest of hearts.
Over all, not a bad spontaneous weekend for the Borups. So far, it's Northern Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York for the win! And now we're all motivated to get out and see some more stuff. Where to go next?? The options are endless really.
Well... ok. Not endless. We still can't cross that Canadian bridge.