I think I may be on my way to becoming an expert on headaches. I am currently writing the definitive work on the subject actually. It does not have a planned completion date just yet due to the almost constant manifestation of new and unexpected data, but keep your eye out for the publication. It should be epic.
I have determined that these nuisances (or at least mine anyway) can be classified into four different file folders:
File Number 1: Usually not enough sleep and/or not drinking enough water... but sometimes they come and don't match either one. Though irritating, this brand of headache is not usually what I would describe as painful and can often be cured with a few glasses of water and a nice long nap (at least 2 hours). However, if not properly treated, they often progress to the File Number 4 type and require an Excedrin.
File Number 2: These are kind of mean little buggers. They like to come on right before I go to bed, wake me up from a decent sleep, or even be there to meet me when I wake up. They are mostly just a bothersome kind of pain, and I can usually beat them by getting right to sleep. But if they A: outlast the sleep, B: come while I'm asleep, or C: are there when I wake up, then typically I can count on them being my companion for quite a while. They can progress to, again, that blessed File Number 4 and sometimes need meds. But usually I can outlast the discomfort.
File Number 3: This one is the most recent addition. I think they are "tension headaches" & are probably from carrying 500 books all over campus all day... but they are fairly painful. It usually hurts in my neck and up to the very base of my skull. It gets super tender to the touch and I often end up feeling nauseated. I usually try to sleep it off, and if it's early enough that can work. I've also discovered that putting pressure on the sore spots, massaging them, or laying on a rolled up towel with my neck slightly flexed can sometimes do the trick. But again, if they persist they can lead to File Number 4 type and really be a treat.
File Number 4: This one is my migraine file and could probably have it's own filing cabinet and system. Oh blessed migraines... unfortunately I have yet to discover just what it is that brings them on, but it is by far my favorite (read: most painful, most miserable, most common, and longest lasting). From a wise father who suffers with the same kind of fun coupled with some unfortunate experiences, I have learned to carry Excedrin Migraine with me everywhere. It is a lifesaver!!! Of course this file has subgroups: miserable, more miserable, and most miserable.... but I think I will save this for another day and expound on them later.
I have a lot of fun with headaches, as you can tell. Lately the days I end up with some kind of headache have far outnumbered the days that I am headache free - such a drag! Tim and I have been getting into the green smoothie fad, hopefully that helps. And I'm wondering if I'm allergic to something in the salsa we buy. Every time I eat it my tongue gets all sore... could be a lead? Who knows, the journey to answers never ends!
I'm glad I have a place like a blog where I can thrill you all with my pointless ramblings...
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