Well Halloween costuming this year was a bust... we went as a stressed out nursing student and a lonely husband. There's just something about no sleep, 12 hour hospital days, and living in textbooks that hasn't really put me in a very festive mood I guess. Unfortunately Tim being off track and ready for some holiday fun makes my nonfestiveness look even more lame. Poor guy has been practically wifeless all semester. A month and a half down, 2 more to go!
We did manage to get into the Halloween spirit a little bit though, treats, a movie and pumpkin carving, not too bad! Never mind that we were almost 2 weeks late...

Tim's pumpkin turned out really cool! Mine would have, but I got too frustrated and it started failing instead. So I decided to let it go and leave it with the happy image of what could have been.
Nobody dips a caramel apple like I do though, Amen.
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