This last weekend we went over to the Indianapolis Speedway. Little did we know a race was actually going on, and about the time we got there a couple thousand people were spilling out. So we didn't get to see a whole lot. But we did see a few cars make some laps, and luckily we got to see all the race fans in all their glory.... quite a crowd, 'nuff said

Later that evening we went to an Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra concert, obviously not Tim's choice! But they sounded awesome and the outdoor amphitheater show was really fun. Quite a different crowd there than the one we saw earlier at the speedway though... from cigarettes to fine wine, nothing like an Indiana culture crash course!

The timing worked out quite nicely, a trip across the country and the start of a new adventure all just in time for our anniversary! Two years ago today we sealed the deal and since then have been happier than ever! Happy Anniversary Tim, love you!

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