Tuesday, October 11, 2011

And Mark It With a B

Well, it's official, Tim and I are excited to announce that we will be welcoming Baby Borup #1 in May!!! Little Bean got its first picture taken on Friday and looks just as snug and as happy as ever!

I am only about 8 1/2 weeks along and so far mama and baby are doing pretty good.  I've stayed pretty close to bed lately with some nausea and a few migraines.  And B has made it clear that he/she does not care for Italian salad dressing... but other than that we are pretty content.  We're just crossing our fingers that everything stays that way while we push through the end of this first trimester thing.

Little Bean is scheduled to be here May 15th.  I like May, it brings good things.  For starters, my grandmother, brother and I were all born in May.  And of course there's the arrival of May flowers, sunshiny weather, the "almost here" feeling of summer vacation,  and Mother's Day.  Plus there are already a few May cousins that B will be able to celebrate with.  What fun!

We won't know for a little while longer yet whether we're welcoming a girl or a boy, so I suppose if you have a vote you better get it in now (sorry Brian, I'm afraid no twins this time).  I think a grandma or two are crossing their fingers for a girl, but I have always thought it would be fun to start with a boy... and Tim is only anxious about helping with baby stuff if it's a boy ;)  We'll see I guess.  Either way we are anxious to get to know Baby B and look forward to our little family growing!


  1. May is a GREAT time to have a baby. Nice weather means you can take your baby out without worrying so much about germs! Congratulations again! So fun..can't wait meet your little one and to see you guys be parents.

  2. Yay!! Congrats DeeAnna!!! I am so so so excited for you! My guess is that it will be a boy!! I can't wait to find out! You'll have to post baby bump pictures, I can't imagine your little tummy expanding! My older sister is pregnant and due in March. She is 5 feet and has the tiniest tummy as well, it is so crazy how her tummy has no where to go but out! I am glad that you are doing well :) Congrats again!!

  3. Eek Jaylene, I'm not ready to put my name next to the word "parent" just yet... it seems too weird! And I'm sure we'll be recruiting your camera skills for some baby photos, just as a heads up :)

  4. Congrats to you guys!! That is such happy news!! Can't wait to read how things progress!
