Monday, November 7, 2011

Indiana Chronicles Chapter 4: More Culture and Some Birthday

It's birthday time at our house!  Baby B is now officially 12 weeks along, and Tim is now officially 24 years along!  This calls for a celebration!  I don't know why, but 24 seems like kind of a big deal.... and it makes sense I guess, this should be a big year.  Lots of exciting to look forward to!  And I know 12 weeks is a big deal.  So to celebrate we decided to bundle up the family (that is me, Tim, Baby B, and Flat Stanley) and go see a few new things for a day out on the town.

First stop, the Indianapolis Museum of Art

I wore the scarf on purpose, I thought it made for a more artsy savvy look. 

Yes, this is an original van Gogh, aren't you all impressed?

And this is some kind of modern depiction of... well that's up to you to decide.  If you stand with your head tilted I think it makes more sense.  I thought the balloons were appropriate for the occasion though. That is, until I got in trouble for using flash photography.  Oops

Second stop, downtown Indianapolis
And this is about where my camera battery died, so typical.  I did manage to snap a few shots of the war monument though.  It was such a nice day, perfect for a downtown walk.

Stop number 3 was a nice leisurely and romantic stroll along the canal and by the capital building. 
Of course, by that point Baby B was ready to eat again and was past due for a nap (or maybe that was just me... hard to say), so we may need to take that walk again another time.

We really had a good time though.  The fall weather was so nice and the fall leaves were SO pretty (not a highlighted feature in the above picture given that my camera was dead and it was pulled from the internet instead)!  And it was nice to get out for the day and spend some fun time together.  Not a bad birthday I would say. 

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