Saturday, January 28, 2012

Pink Pink Pink

I know this could look like a pre-mature Valentine's day party, but don't be fooled.  This is a "YAY we're having a BABY GIRL" party!  I set my appointment for the ultra sound before I realized that Tim would have class and thus, regrettably, wouldn't be able to be there... and then I felt really bad.  But, I also really wanted to know if that little bean was a girl or a boy... I planned a party!  After my appointment I ran to the store for the makings of an announce-the-baby-gender-to-the-husband surprise and set it all up before he got home.  And it turned out pretty cute I would say!

We can't wait to welcome a sweet little baby girl.  In fact, I'v already had to stop myself from buying a bunch of super cute pink outfits... it's all so fun!  Congratulations to everyone who guessed a girl.  Enjoy a pink cupcake on us!


  1. DeeAnna, this is the cutest idea!! You are so creative and made your house look adorable for your husband!!! CONGRATS again :) You are going to have so much fun with that beautiful blue eyed baby girl (my guess she'll have blue eyes :) So happy for you!!

  2. It was fun! And we're pretty excited to be having a girl!! They're so sweet and so cute!!!
