Though our time in Indiana was AMAZING, it was a lot of hard work... plus living the "temporary life-style" does start to wear on you a bit. Needless to say, toward the end of internshiping, Tim was a little burned out, I was ready for something different, and in general, it was time for a new adventure. So we jumped online and excitedly discovered that we could find some cheap plane tickets to some really fun places. And that was it! Decision made!
Destination East Coast
Stop #1: Sunshiny Florida!
My wonderful grandparents live in Florida and we don't get to see them nearly often enough. So, we jumped on a flight and went for a visit! Unfortunately Baby Bean didn't much care for flying, and for the first time in my life I got pretty sick on a flight. But once safely on the ground in Florida, it was nothing but smiles and good fun!
We took an afternoon and went over to the ocean! If I had asked myself "Self, where do you see yourself on the last day of November?", "Why, on the beach of course!" surely would not have been my answer. And yet... there we are!

Two of my favorite people in the world! Thanks for a wonderful trip Maw Maw and Paw Paw, sure love you!
And here is Baby Bean on the beach! Can't tell? Neither could we. This is 15 weeks along and still not much to show... late bloomer I guess. But he/she loved it there!
Maw Maw and Paw Paw kept us well fed, always a highlight!
Stop #2: Washington DC
Tim had never been to Washington DC, and it just so happens that I have a best friend living there right now... perfect combination! Plus, we got bumped up to first class flying in. Destiny? I think so!
At the capital

Out to the see the monuments

Unfortunately the reflection pool was under construction...
We were very sad about that
Space and Air museum and a very wet Arlington cemetery
All in all, a fabulous trip! And the perfect capper to a five-month-cross-country adventure!
Now for the drive home...
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