Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Next Stop, Olympics

I have to show off DeeAnna's new-found talent.  She and a bunch of gals from the ward put this beauty together and it debuted at the ward talent show last week.  I just thought it was too great not to share.  Besides, this is how we are going to make our millions!

Woman. Of. My. Dreams.  Need I say more?

Monday, March 19, 2012

Snowed In

Captain’s Log:  Star-Date 03192012

The winter has been fairly mild.  There hasn’t been much snow, and last week temperatures were in the 40’s and 50’s with some rain.  The crew tends to get restless for nice weather and has been in high spirits at the prospect of spring.  Today is the nineteenth day of March year 2012 and upon rising from bed at 0700 hours for University instruction, Lieutenant Tim was dismayed to report a world of white with plenty still coming down.

It is now 1100 hours and the freezing wet invader seems to be relentless in its attack.  Plans for running errands have been marred by the conditions of the roadways and grocery shopping has been indefinitely postponed.  There has been no word from the Lieutenant regarding his exact whereabouts and condition.  We can only hope he found shelter and that the weather allows for his speedy and safe return.  In the meantime, the home base is well stocked with food supplies and a pot of soup will soon be heating the premises. 

End Note: Tim did make it home alright, I am not a Star Trek nerd, and no I do not hate the snow.  But a blizzard in March (the latter half of March mind you) after no snow all winter?!  Really… dear Rexburg, why must you tease so

Monday, March 12, 2012

Surprise Parties

April showers bring May flowers...
but March brings Baby Showers!!!

This past Saturday we ventured to Boise for a quick family visit and to make an appearance at a friend's baby shower!  And it was so much fun!  It had been a long time since I had seen either of these lovely ladies, but we did a lot of growing up together and had a blast catching up!

And when it was finished I figured our Boise mission was accomplished.  Little did I know that baby shower #1 was just a warm up for baby shower #2 where the guests of honor were none other than myself and Baby Bean!

Amy took me to lunch and then over to the designated party place where she said we were stopping only for a minute to show off my pregnant belly.  But no!  Instead I found a house full of friends, family, food, and pink presents!!!

Such a fun surprise!  I couldn't believe that Tim and my mother knew and it still stayed a surprise!  They are a couple of the worst secret keepers ever!  But not this time.  

It was perfect!  I couldn't have planned anything nearly as awesome if I had done it myself!  A thousand thank you's to my beautiful party planners!  You rock my socks Amy!  And the cheesecakes were divine!  :)  And mom, thanks for the help and the super cute gifts.  She'll look darling!

And thanks to everyone for the awesome and thoughtful gifts!  Baby Girl loved her party!
And how could she not?!!  She got a TON of awesome and super cute stuff!

I went back through everything yesterday afternoon so Tim could see the loot, and I cannot WAIT to see her in some of those darling little outfits!  Lots of pink and we are set!
31 weeks down, 9  more to go!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Early Riser

Have you ever had one of those mornings where you wake up at some horribly awful hour of the early morning and in a deluged and half-awake state get up and get dressed before you realize your day isn't actually starting for another 3 hours?....

... yeah I never have either.

But the other morning I woke up around 3:00 to my side of the bed being totally invaded and nudged Tim to give me some more room.  But instead of just switching sides, he jumped out of bed, flipped on the closet light, and was almost dressed when he looked at the clock, mumbled something I didn't quite catch, and climbed back in bed.

Ironically enough, 3 hours later when the alarm actually did go off, he wasn't phased at all and needed a little help (read: several fairly forceful shoves) to get motivated.  Such a weird morning.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Nurse's Note: This and That

The sickies have been hanging around Rexburg lately and have in fact attempted to breach our borders more than once.  It is times like these that make me start to be even more paranoid than usual about things like
this. . .  and this. . .  and yes, even this.

I can practically see them crawling!  gag!  And that is why this past Saturday, we spent a few hours getting reacquainted with a little bit of
this. . . and this. . . and yes, even this (review this gem here).

And that was that!  Just about everything I could think of that our potentially germ-infested selves have touched has now been effectively scrubbed.  Basic Healthy Home Principle: Disinfection successfully implemented?  check.  My worries temporarily set a little more at ease? check.  Ideally I wouldn't wait until the threat of impending doom is looming overhead to think to wipe down a few door knobs... but it's done now!  So to celebrate we indulged in a little bit of this

And to think, we don't even have any of this to worry about yet...

All in time my friends, all in time.  In the meantime however, perhaps we should restock our cleaning supplies...