Monday, March 19, 2012

Snowed In

Captain’s Log:  Star-Date 03192012

The winter has been fairly mild.  There hasn’t been much snow, and last week temperatures were in the 40’s and 50’s with some rain.  The crew tends to get restless for nice weather and has been in high spirits at the prospect of spring.  Today is the nineteenth day of March year 2012 and upon rising from bed at 0700 hours for University instruction, Lieutenant Tim was dismayed to report a world of white with plenty still coming down.

It is now 1100 hours and the freezing wet invader seems to be relentless in its attack.  Plans for running errands have been marred by the conditions of the roadways and grocery shopping has been indefinitely postponed.  There has been no word from the Lieutenant regarding his exact whereabouts and condition.  We can only hope he found shelter and that the weather allows for his speedy and safe return.  In the meantime, the home base is well stocked with food supplies and a pot of soup will soon be heating the premises. 

End Note: Tim did make it home alright, I am not a Star Trek nerd, and no I do not hate the snow.  But a blizzard in March (the latter half of March mind you) after no snow all winter?!  Really… dear Rexburg, why must you tease so


  1. well I am a Star Trek nerd and I loved this post!! Oh yes,and I do hate snow!

  2. I thought you might appreciate this one mom, I think of you and all those Star Trek evenings fondly. I like the show too :)
