Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Last week we took a few days and enjoyed a family trip up to Yellowstone.  Really, we were trying to figure out why this was our fist time, we've been Eastern Idaho folk for over three years now...

But, none the less, we went and we had a blast!  Everyone says that this time of year is the time to go; all the animals are out and the crowds are down.  I don't really know what Yellowstone looks like in the summer, but the animals sure were out, and we felt like we were the only people in the park.  It was awesome.

The one downside though: it was chilly (read: super cold!).  The name of the game became bundle up and the objective was to stay warm.  Brinlee was the team captain... poor baby.  You know in the movie A Christmas Story when he says that "preparing for school in the winter was like preparing for extended deep sea diving"?  Yup... I at first was afraid I had overpacked, but she wore every layer, every day.  And she was stylish.

Tim won the style contest though for sure.  Rockin' the front pack... very smooth.

We got caught in the rain a time or two, and thus perfected the art of taking turns.  That is, Tim goes and sees the thing we stopped for while I wait in the car with the baby, and then we switch.  Luckily we didn't have to do it too many times, but it was fun to watch Brin watch the rain.

Overall we had a wonderful time.  Brinlee did awesome, the weather was generally awesome, and the time with my sweetheart was awesome!  Consensus: October is indeed a great time to go to Yellowstone.  Goal for next time: see a moose... still sad about that...


  1. Yellowstone in the Fall is awesome! Too bad you guys had such cold weather. The bundled baby is the cutest!

  2. Fun...
    You guys do have a good time wherever you are...
