Saturday, April 6, 2013

Easter 2013

I have always LOVED Easter.  Ever since I was little it has been one of my favorite holidays, for a lot of reasons.  But this year it became even more of a favorite when we added "having a super cute little Easter baby" to my list of reasons why I love Easter!  Seriously... she was darling!!!

The weather was beautiful, church was wonderful, and our family basket was awesome.  The Easter Bunny left donuts and treats for Tim and I, and bubbles and a new book for Brin.  I thought it would be fun to let her see the egg dying stuff, but pictured her busy hands being a huge disaster.  So the eggs took place after baby bedtime instead.  I did do one for her though, bet you can't guess which one it is.

By far Brinlee's favorite part of it all was the dozen or so empty plastic eggs.  She loves those things!  Never mind that Easter won't come around for another year, those things have signed a long term lease and have set up camp in her treasure chest.

How grateful we are for our savior Jesus Christ and for the peace and happiness that comes with a knowledge of the restored Gospel.  Life is good and we are truly blessed.

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