Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Still Summering

The weather's still been lovely!  We have been taking advantage of the heat and have been doing some more running around the last few days.  But first of all, is this not the dang cutest little face you've ever seen?!  She has gotten so good about letting me play with her hair and the other day we got these in.  Love!

The cutest little princess!!!

Yesterday we went to the swimming pool.  Brin actually did pretty good.  As always, I thought she would love it more.  But we did have some setbacks.  The little pool was closed for a bit (read: needed some help after some kid couldn't make it to the potty... nice).  We had to wait out a little rain too, and a bit of a cool breeze picked up.  Not the perfect day I guess.  

By the time we got into any water that was Brinlee appropriate she was a little tired.  We'll have to go back and try again on a hotter, less surprise-filled day.  But she was so cute, and loved her first Happy meal.

Today we spent the morning and afternoon hiking around Craters of the Moon.  This one I was prepared for Brinlee to not be so fond of, but surprisingly, she did awesome!  She kept her hat on, talked, smiled, and waved to everyone, loved the rocks, and even handled a couple caves.  

May I point out that these pictures over accentuate the fact that we are an incredibly white family?  Yikes.  We were hoping to be surprised today by some rain, or even some consistent cloud cover.  But alas, we were just hot.  Should have switched pool day for moon day I guess.

I managed to skimp on Brin's second application of sun screen, which left her arms a little fried  :(  But she was an angel, and we certainly got our exercise.  We are sure loving this summertime family time!

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