The last couple of weeks it has been raining... a lot! And I mean real rain. With thunder and lightening and everything. It's been awesome, I love big storms! And as it turns out, so does the Little Miss. As soon as the drops start coming, she has to be out playing.
The rain play is quickly coming to an end though. We watched the rain fall all morning yesterday, and when we finally ventured out for the day we had to put on jackets. The "4th quarter of the year" chill is starting to poke its head around the corner. The weather is still teasing us some - cool one day, hot the next. But we've officially opened up the sweater boxes, and Brin has latched on to our first official Fall home decor, lovingly referred to as "baby pumpkin".
I'm a little anxious to see Fall actually, I love Fall!!! I really need to get our house looking a bit more festive.
The real priority for now though: What should our little doll be for Halloween??
Any suggestions?
oh that is so fun! I can just see you teaching her how to jump in the puddles and singing winnie the pooh's 'tut tut, looks like rain' haha... Her leggings are so cute! although she DOES look ADORABLE in just about anything--just like her mama ;) cant wait to see her halloween costume!! ps I love the baby pumpkin too :)