Thursday, December 19, 2013

In, On, and Into

Our little sweetie has become a serious busy body.  I'm never quite sure how, or where, I will find her.  She climbs in and on everything!  Most often it's baskets, bins, and buckets...

But, we've also seen, oh let's see... frying pans, pots, dresser drawers, buckets, wagons, furniture, step stools, dishwasher doors.... the list goes on really.  It's something new every day, and she is more proud of herself all the time.

Her current lounge favorites are the big bean bag (of course) and her very own Brinlee-size camping chair that she can (and does) pull around and set up wherever she wants.  We inherited Tim's old legos, and she loves them!

Her true love however is helping in the kitchen, whether mommy or daddy are there or not.  All of our apples are bruised, most of our dishes have random homes, 

and she has discovered where the cereal cupboard is.
Just this morning we found the little one watching a movie, and helping herself to breakfast.

Yes, that is an entire bag of Cheerios.  And this is the face of the guilty just discovering she's been discovered.  Cute face isn't it  :)

Here we are cleaning up.

And here is her "look how cute and innocent I am" face.  Cheerios on my floor are not my favorite thing, but that sweet blonde fuzz head sure does melt your heart.

This little habit of getting in, on, and into everything sure does keep us on our toes (read: wears me out!).  But, I'm told it's part of having kids.  And I sure do love having this little kid around.... even if I'm never sure where I'm going to find her.
Now, I should probably go and figure out where she has climbed into.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Christmas time is fast approaching and we have been getting into the spirit around here.
Just the other day Tim came across a Santa Clause while he had Brinlee at the grocery store. A fun festive photo was free, and every kid needs at least one of those, 
so Tim had the gal snap a shot...

Awe... the joys of the season.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Thanksgiving and Snow Day

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!  Tim's parents were able to come for a few days, and we even managed some decorations this year (a serious accomplishment for us!)  We put together a thankful tree, and we recycled Brinlee's oh-so-loved Halloween decoration, "Baby Pumpkin".

Meet Tom the Turkey.  It was a good thing he was up on the wall shelf, because for the 2 minutes Brin had a hold of him she tore him apart.  This was his second set of google-eyes... 

I actually had to work Thanksgiving night, so I can't say I was much help with any cooking.  I did win the wishbone pull though.  Score.  Reed and Melody did the turkey, it turned out awesome!  And Tim made his pumpkin pecan pies.  They are divine and, consequently, didn't last long for leftovers. 

Little Miss wasn't so much into the food options.  She did however LOVE the cranberries!

We had an afternoon of nicer weather and went for a walk down by the river.  Brin really latched onto "Grampoo".  She wouldn't let him out of her sight and only agreed to go back in her carseat when she saw he was sitting in the back by her.

Overall, it was fantastic!  I almost wish Thanksgiving could come more than once a year and not go by so quickly...
But alas, the leftovers are gone and we are now onto colder weather, and SNOW!  The little one isn't totally sure, but I think she likes it.  We took her out yesterday and almost couldn't get her back inside.

We only lasted a couple minutes outside.  Brin really needs some boots.
It has been SO cold this last week.  I don't love the cold... But I do love drinking hot chocolate, cuddling up in fuzzy jammies and blankets, and love seeing that sweet bundle of winter baby.  She is, the cutest!