Meet Tom the Turkey. It was a good thing he was up on the wall shelf, because for the 2 minutes Brin had a hold of him she tore him apart. This was his second set of google-eyes...
I actually had to work Thanksgiving night, so I can't say I was much help with any cooking. I did win the wishbone pull though. Score. Reed and Melody did the turkey, it turned out awesome! And Tim made his pumpkin pecan pies. They are divine and, consequently, didn't last long for leftovers.
Little Miss wasn't so much into the food options. She did however LOVE the cranberries!
We had an afternoon of nicer weather and went for a walk down by the river. Brin really latched onto "Grampoo". She wouldn't let him out of her sight and only agreed to go back in her carseat when she saw he was sitting in the back by her.
Overall, it was fantastic! I almost wish Thanksgiving could come more than once a year and not go by so quickly...
But alas, the leftovers are gone and we are now onto colder weather, and SNOW! The little one isn't totally sure, but I think she likes it. We took her out yesterday and almost couldn't get her back inside.
We only lasted a couple minutes outside. Brin really needs some boots.
It has been SO cold this last week. I don't love the cold... But I do love drinking hot chocolate, cuddling up in fuzzy jammies and blankets, and love seeing that sweet bundle of winter baby. She is, the cutest!
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