Monday, May 19, 2014

Spring Fever

"It's spring fever.  
That is what the name of it is.  And when you've got it, you want- 
oh, you don't quite know what it is you do want, 
but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!"
-Mark Twain

I'm no doctor, but I would say our family spent a decent amount of time with spring fever.  Being cooped up inside trying to stay away from cold weather gets so miserable, and Blackfoot had plenty of that!  Thank goodness that bug is passing.  Spring has sprung and we have been loving some nice warm weather!  We've been riding bikes,

 and we've been playing in dirt (well, ok, Brinlee has been).

We went to the nature park a few days back and hiked around in the sunshine.  Tim went for a nice jog.  I wanted to feed some ducks, but alas, that was not meant to be... boo.  Brinlee carried her own pack, at least for a little while, before she passed it off to mommy.  She was such a trooper and had so much fun exploring.  And I even got a little kiss of color on my skin!  It was red... but it's better than nothing.

The Little Lady's favorite has been the "watty" (translation: the water, aka, the pool).  Grandma and Papoo got her a Brinlee-sized wading pool for her birthday and she loves it!  She does not, however, love to get sunscreen put on, which, unfortunately, this paranoid mama applies generously and frequently.

Cute saggy butt!

On Saturday we went with Tim's family and hiked up to Table Rock.  I'll be honest, it was a bit tougher of a trek than I thought it would be.  Tim might be in shape, but I was worn out!  It sure is nice to have things to go and do though, and nice weather to go and do them in.  I say keep it coming!

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