At the end of May we went on the ward campout with Reed and Melody. The Greg and Jaylene Borup Clan came too, and we had a blast. It was Brinlee's first time camping (read: not the best night's sleep for anyone!), but she did pretty good and braved the freezing cold water like a champ.
A few weeks ago I played in the alumni band for the retirement concert of my high school symphonic band director. He was easily the best teacher I've had and one of the best people I know.
We ventured down to Utah to spend some Borup family time. Brinlee was a little moody, but still in heaven with all of the cousins.
Speaking of Brinlee, she has been quite the kid lately. She has been practicing with utensils and is getting pretty good.
She's very proud of herself.
For her birthday she got a tea party set that she has been absolutely in love with! She'll serve tea to anyone (or anything), sound effects and all. It's pretty dang cute.
Little BeBe literally popped out of nowhere just in the last couple of weeks. I am not quite 19 weeks, but I seemed to all of a sudden just wake up one morning sporting quite a noticeable bump! And I can feel Peanut squirming around like crazy all the time. I love that part!
Tim got a sweet new ride. He found a good deal on a nice road bike, so rather than a second car, we got him that instead. And he is in love with it!
He has been taking it downtown everyday already for his internship and is getting really excited about exploring Columbus via the two-wheel method. But the other day he and his favorite little helper took it out for a car wash. She also fell in love with it. She always wants me to follow him in the car so she can watch "daddy bike go so fast"! I just like the cycling outfit he wears ;)
My mom won Elementary School Teacher of the Year this year... she was shocked, but it's really no big surprise. She is totally the best!
Last week we went to the zoo with Amy, Brian, and Aiden. The boys made it super fun! Brinlee... not so much. She wasn't as into it as I would have hoped. In her defense, the animals weren't doing much. But the butterfly room was a huge hit for everyone!
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