Monday, October 6, 2014

Totally Feeling Fall

We are tickled pink to have Fall finally here.  It is totally the best time of year!  We've already eaten two batches of caramel corn (not tough for a 34 week pregnant woman to do), and have officially broken into the sweater side of the closet.  That's the best part!
(Mom here's your belly update.  Baby Sister is doing swell.  And getting big!)

We even got some Fall and Halloween stuff up.!
I know, I know, I'm going against everything "me" and attempting to do Halloween this year... not my forte.  But Brinlee has been in heaven, and it's dang cute to watch!  She's a true kid already, loves anything Halloween.  We still need to get some bats and ghosties up in our twig tree, but she has watched The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown probably 500 times and cannot wait for costume candy night to come.  Kids do make this holiday better, so bring it on I guess!

We did some painting the other day.  She points out the "cover-foe weaves" (that would be colorful leaves) every time we leave the house, so I drew her a tree with falling leaves and set up some Fall-time paint colors and let her go to town.  Best entertainment ever!  For both of us  :)

 We hope you are all welcoming fall as happily as we are!  :)  Here's to a splendid October!

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