Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Yes it's true.  We officially have a pantie princess!  
Brinlee is a potty champion!

Round 2 was astronomically better than round one.  I think I might have mentioned that our first attempt back in September was a little unsuccessful (read: a total, tearful traumatic disaster!).  Neither Brinlee or I were real anxious to try again, for a long time!

But we chatted with an aunt via Skype who is awesome at... well, everything!  And she got me re-motivated.  Brinlee seemed more ready, and we had daddy home, homework-less, and able to help for two whole weeks.  So we decided to give it another shot.  And TA DA!  It worked like a charm!  We hung up a chart for her to put a sticker on every time she went in the potty.  It was full in no time! She has been accident free for 10 days now and is in love with her new sense of independence.  And as it turns out, we are in love with it too.  I don't miss changing those diapers.

On Saturday was her one-week-accident-free mark, so we had an UnBirthday party.  She's been watching Alice In Wonderland and loves the UnBirthday scene.  It was perfect incentive.  We decorated, and had cake, and we even served tea (apple juice) from her little purple pot and used her little plastic dishes.  She was in heaven!

What a darling, awesome big girl we have!  The little stinker is growing up way too fast  :(  
But she is totally the best!
And she's totally proud of that.


  1. Good job Brinlee. Look at all those stickers you earned!! And your panties are beautiful!!

  2. Well...that does sound nice...how about we send Annalise your way and you can potty train her too?
