Wednesday, February 18, 2015

And Another Sweet Kid

While I had stuff set up the other day for pictures of McKenna, Brinlee surprised me and asked me to take some of her.  She almost never wants the camera pointed at her!  Even getting plain old snapshots around the house usually ends up involving some bribery.  I was shocked.  And it was even on a day she left her clothes on!  Usually by breakfast she has stripped down to her undershirt and panties and runs around like that all day.... so nice.  She got tired of it pretty quick and didn't sit still super well (she is 2 after all), but I did manage to catch a couple keepers of this angel girl.

She is seriously the best!  I couldn't have asked for a more fun, funny, clever, sweet, good, special, creative, smart, loving little buddy to have around all the time.  She makes me laugh every day!  I could write a book about all the things she says and does.  She loves to help me in the kitchen, loves to read, loves to make up stories and play pretend, loves to build and draw, loves to sing and dance, loves to talk, loves to laugh, and loves her "baby sister".  She gives McKenna more hugs and kisses than anyone else gets.  She talks to her, sings to her, shares toys with her, and teaches her everything she's doing ("McKenna, this is how you eat breakfast! McKenna, this is how you pick up toys!").  It's my favorite thing!  :)

Oh this cutie.  
I don't know how she got to be so awesome, but we sure get a kick out of her.  She brings our home so many smiles!  
If only she would stop growing so fast.

1 comment:

  1. I love of all of your posts DeeAnna! Your little girls are so adorable!!
