Friday, February 13, 2015

Return of the Bumbo

Well, we have said hello again to an old friend.  Yes, the Bumbo is back!!!
You might recall that when Brinlee was a tiny, she loved that thing.  And now we have a new tiny, and she seems to be following in her sister's footsteps. She struggles a bit though.  She thinks she's so big, and she really wants to sit up!  But so far her bumbo time is a little... lopsided.  That head is just so heavy!  She gets it for a second... 
Then, she kind of crumples and leans off to one side.
Then she spits out her passie and talks to it,
then she finds her hand and sucks on it,
then finds her foot and talks to it,
then she remembers she doesn't like sitting all crumpled over,
then she screams.
And this all happens in about a 2 minute time frame.  
And it's REALLY cute!  

See?  I told you it's cute  :)

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