Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Fashion Statement

Today I took Brinlee and McKenna and the little boy from down the street to the park for a while.  It was a nice enough day, but a little breezy, and once we got out in it, I realized it was just a tad bit chilly.  I had left McKenna in her jammies, but had managed to get out the door without a hat. Rats.  I did however have an extra pair of baby pants...

A little goofy, yes.  But it ended up working just fine! And it doubled as a nice sleepy time eye mask.  She snoozed in the car the whole way home.  I didn't actually have the camera at the park.  But I just had to snap a few once we got home.  It was too dang cute!  I think we're really on to something here.  This could easily catch on and be the up and coming thing at the height of baby fashion, don't you think?? Babies all over will be rockin' the pants hat.

Love this cute cute CUTE angel baby  :)

1 comment:

  1. What a darling hat idea.
    It’s really cute. Now just add a flower.
    Paten the idea and you'll be rich.
    (...p.s... that baby gets cuter and cuter don't you think?)
