Friday, June 26, 2015

The Sickies

Yesterday the girls and I journeyed across town to daddy's school to pick him up and on the way home Brinlee told me her tummy wasn't feeling good.  I figured she was hungry and told her we'd be home soon to get some dinner.  And I didn't hear anything else from her.

When we got home I helped her out of the car and sent her toward the house, grabbed the diaper bag, and turned back around to see her puking all over the sidewalk. She spiked a fever last night and has been pretty miserable so far this morning.  Poor sweetie.  I feel bad for her... But honestly, how awesome is she? Saves the barf mess for a time and place that makes clean up nice and easy for us.  Even with the sickies she's so thoughtful.  

Such a good, sweet girl  :)

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