Saturday, December 19, 2015


Although it may not look like it, I have been keeping up to speed with portrait pictures of the girls.  In fact, I had them out several times during the spring and summer and into the fall (so consider yourself warned, there are a lot of pictures here.)  They really don't like sitting in front of the camera very much, but I need the practice!  I still really have no idea what I'm doing and kind of go on luck, which means I do a lot of finger crossing and camera clicking.  But they are actually getting much better about it.  If they weren't so darling and fun to have pictures of maybe I wouldn't do it so much!  But they are, so I do  :)  

May: Brinlee 3 years, McKenna 6 months.

August: Brinlee 3 years 3 months, McKenna 9 months

October: Brinlee 3.5 years, McKenna 1 year

And here we all are.
Yes, I do love us!  These girls are getting so big and SO fun!  I will have to get some good updates on them posted up here soon.  They are growing so fast.

Sunday, December 13, 2015


Well now that it's halfway through December I figured I should go ahead and get updates done for the rest of November.  It's only one month late, I've done worse!

Columbus started to get pretty chilly.  No snow yet, but it has been rainy and we've had to scrape frost off the windshield a few times now.  Definitely coat weather.  Except for this random blissful day we had just a couple days before Thanksgiving.  We just had to go out and enjoy it!

She is the loviest little thing!  I love that she loves to cuddle.

If this isn't Tim's child...

For Thanksgiving this year we buddied up with some friends from our ward.  The couple that hosted actually really loves to cook, and they're really good at it.  They made a killer turkey!  It was really fun.  Before dinner I was getting the girls dressed and Brinlee told me that she and McKenna needed to have turkey hair.  So that's what we did!  This was McKenna's first little pony tail, such an important day for a lady.
Love these little turkeys.

We've been talking about being more reverent at church.  That's tough sometimes!  But you know what they say about practice...

Such a good little helper.

Mickey Mouse had a birthday!  On the 18th of November he turned 87.  Happy Birthday Pal!

Look what finally came in the mail a couple weeks ago!

I know what you're thinking.
"But DeeAnna, didn't you graduate 4 years ago?"
And the answer to that would be, yes I did.  Proud class of December 2011!  Leave it to me to put off and forget about the paperwork to actually get my diploma, for 4 whole years. That's classy.  At least they were kind enough to print it with the right dates on it, so no harm done right?

This is what a lot of our days look like.  I love that my girls love to read!

This stinker has been cruising along furniture and figuring out those legs for quite a while now,

but in the last 2 weeks of November she started trying some little steps, and look at her now! She is really starting to move.  She can free stand from sitting without any help, and she walks herself most all of the time.  She is still a little wobbly and sticks to shorter distances.  But she's totally going!  Look out world, this baby is ready to be a walker!

What better to do when it's cold outside than curl up on the heating vent with a stack of good books!

We are actually in Boise right now!  The girls and I made the journey here last week and have been soaking up some long overdue family time for the last few days. It's been wonderful!  Poor daddy had to stay and study, but he'll be coming to meet us on the 19th and we won't be back to our Ohio home until the 31st.  So, lots of fun to still be had!  

And since it's apparently my style to go for a month without posting anyway, I guess you'll just have to wait on the edge of your seat for all those fun updates  :)