Saturday, December 19, 2015


Although it may not look like it, I have been keeping up to speed with portrait pictures of the girls.  In fact, I had them out several times during the spring and summer and into the fall (so consider yourself warned, there are a lot of pictures here.)  They really don't like sitting in front of the camera very much, but I need the practice!  I still really have no idea what I'm doing and kind of go on luck, which means I do a lot of finger crossing and camera clicking.  But they are actually getting much better about it.  If they weren't so darling and fun to have pictures of maybe I wouldn't do it so much!  But they are, so I do  :)  

May: Brinlee 3 years, McKenna 6 months.

August: Brinlee 3 years 3 months, McKenna 9 months

October: Brinlee 3.5 years, McKenna 1 year

And here we all are.
Yes, I do love us!  These girls are getting so big and SO fun!  I will have to get some good updates on them posted up here soon.  They are growing so fast.

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