Tuesday, March 15, 2016


"Ah Ha!
So mom eats Oreos and Cheetohs while she's making dinner I see.
So, maybe, if I cuddle up to her legs...
and act reealllllyy sweet...
maybe... she.... might.....

Yes! success!"

Don't be fooled by that messy, obviously darling, angel face.  It can flip at the drop of a hat!  And it does.  Frequently!

I don't know why, but for the last week or two this little lady has been one moody little missy!  One second she's all smiles and the next minute, she's all not!  
She's laughing, then crying. 
Cuddling, then hitting. 
Smiling, then pouting. 
Don't ignore her, but certainly don't look at her the wrong way (or at all!).  

It's all been fun.  But my personal favorite is the scowl.  She's really been perfecting that one this week, and she flashes it all the time.  Sometimes it's because she's in trouble or frustrated, but often it's out of nowhere and for what seems like no reason! And we just never really know what we're going to get.

Happy? Mad?

Sweet? Sour?

Nice? Naughty?

Jekyll? Hyde?

Jedi? Dark Side?

Bruce Banner? The Hulk?

From minute to minute it's something different.  This poor baby is like a fish out of water, just flip-flops all day long.  It's exhausting.

But, it is also pretty funny! 
Bless that cranky/sweet/happy/angry/bawling/laughing/cuddling/tantrum-throwing child.

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