Sunday, March 6, 2016

ODUS 2.0 vol 12: START EM' YOUNG

The other day I was going through a box of my stuff and came across an old x-ray of my hand. I of course immediately thought of Brinlee, who, as you may recall, really loves x-rays.  I pulled a little chair over to her dresser and showed her how to hold it up to the lamp so she could really see it.  I thought she would get a kick out of it.  Little did I know just how much of a kick she would get.  This is all she did the rest of the afternoon!

I kept walking by her room and hearing her saying things like
"Oh yes, this is a very nice x-ray!"
"What do we have here? Hmm, looks like we have a broken hand here. See the trouble, right here? Yup, that's where it's broken."
"Oh dear, a broken hand.  We can fix this! What a great x-ray."
"Wow, this is amazing!"

That's our girl!
It was really quite darling.  Her gravitation toward all of this human body business really is something else.  She loves it!  She has an anatomy book she adores and loves to teach us all about where the bones are, where the muscles are, where the blood vessels go, how the heart pumps, where our food goes after we eat it, what happens when our body gets sick or hurt, and how "our bodies turn water into pee pee's mom, that's amazing!"
And she's constantly asking more questions.  It's like she can't get enough!

I've wondered if I need to have her tone it down.  But really, she comes by it honestly.  Besides, what's the harm in getting her started in the good stuff early anyway?
Start em' young I say.  It is after all, pretty amazing.

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