Sunday, March 6, 2016


Remember that one time, when I went through nursing school, and worked my tail off, and graduated with a BSN and a stash of stuff that felt really impressive?

Yes, those books and binders were my pride and joy.
And for the last 4 years we have been moving them with us from place to place and putting them up on bookshelves...
and I've never once looked back through a single one of them.

I suppose that could have been predicted.  I don't think I'm the only one who gets attached to things that represent such a huge part of your life.  But, as awesome as it was, it really was just sitting and taking up space.
I came home after Christmas with a little bit of early Spring Cleaning fever, and one night while Tim and I were re-situating the basement, I decided maybe it was time to clean out the old binders and finally let it go.

Check out that pile of stuff!

Man, I really did work hard.  Those piles and I spent a lot of time together.
And I can honestly say, I loved it!

Farewell my friends.  You were good to me.

1 comment:

  1. As sure as you get rid of these things --- you're going to wish you had them.... It happens every time!
