Look what we tried today!!!
Yes you counted right. Not one, but two little tufts up on top of that head!
It's no secret that both of our babies have been little baldies. We really haven't been able to do much of the girlie hair stuff so far as it is. But even if we could, McKenna doesn't seem to be a lover of hair-do's anyway. She sits still just fine for them, and if you can distract her quickly afterward then sometimes they stand a chance. But most of the time, those bows and hair ties come right out! It's a bummer, she looks so cute in them. Most days I don't even bother. But for church we do try to spiff up a little, and today I thought I'd try to see just what this little hair can do! Is it terrible that I didn't get much out of my meetings? I was too distracted by how dang darling she was!
I barely got these in as we were running out the door, and of course by the time we got home they were long gone, which I figured would happen. But a girl's first piggy tails are a big deal! Hence, the car seat photo shoot. Maybe next time she will let me oogle over them a little bit longer. And there will be a next time! That darling little face topped with darling little pig tails is to die for!!
Those are very cute!!