Saturday, October 29, 2016


Well October turned out to be nice and busy.  October kind of does that I think, at least it usually does for us.  But it's been the good kind of busy.  The kind that produces pictures and makes memories and puts miles on the car and leaves us with stuff and I can blog about! Woo!

The Month of Classes

We signed Brinlee up for another couple of Rec center classes, so for the last 6 weeks I shuttled her to and from gymnastics and swimming lessons.  It was a lot of fun to watch her, and she LOVED all of it! She actually did a really good job with both. Her proudest gymnastics moment was finally flipping upside down over the bar, and her favorite swimming accomplishment was jumping off of the side of the pool.  This sweet little girl likes to play it pretty safe most of the time and doesn't like things that make her feel nervous, but she sure was brave and is SO proud of all the new stuff she can do now!  And I'm pretty proud of her too.  What an awesome little lady!

And this other awesome little lady was the most amazing little tag along.  Every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday we irritated her nap schedule, drug her all over town, and made her just sit and watch all the fun, and she not only never complained once, but she was super cute and the best company a mommy could ask for! 
These two girls are the best!

The Project I Should Have Never Been Doing

I painted a couple of the walls in our living room.  A couple things about that:

     1. Yes we are renting
     2. Yes, it is in our signed contract that we will NOT paint
     3. Yes I did it anyway!

I can never make up my mind about how I want things decorated, and in our short 2 and a half years here, we've already hung up a bunch of things that we have since moved, and we had some really annoying and very large holes in our walls.  So.  I took myself to Home Depot and I got our apartment paint color matched, and I patched the holes, and I painted the walls! All without any husband help! I felt pretty awesome.  And it was totally worth it.  Those holes were a serious eye sore. Ewe!

Travel and Travelers

This past month we had my mom come for a week, Tim's mom come for a week, and we spent a weekend up in Michigan. Whew!  So much fun to have visitors come, and to go be visitors.  Now our house feels so lonely and our days seem so uneventful.  Thanks MawMaw and Grandma for coming to play with us.  And thanks Aunt Ashlie for getting married 

I of course took my camera to the wedding.  
Congratulations Masters! 

Pumpkin Painting and Popcorn Balling

We haven't gotten real far yet on our fall time bucket list, but we have done a few!  Tim helped the girls paint some pumpkins one Sunday morning while mommy slept in. Love that!  And we have made some caramel corn!  Obviously amazing, that treat always rocks.  
Note to my future self though: Although I'm usually a big advocate for sticky treats being contained in the bathtub, popcorn balls don't do so well there.  
Key words to recall when my memory of this disaster starts to fade: 
Soggy popcorn everywhere!
Disgusting brown sugar water
Bawling toddler
Very slick butter all over
Tub scrubbing for the rest of the evening

TV Buddy

I feel Brinlee's pain here.  Watching a movie "with" Tim is about the same experience.


We just finished reading The BFG with Brinlee, so we had a little dinner party.  We dressed in character.  McKenna was the Big Friendly Giant, Brinlee was Sophie, and mommy was the Queen of England.  We ate Snozzcumbers and drank Frobscottle (but did not do any whiz popping, thank you very much!), and made the breakfast that the queen serves to the BFG and Sophie.  We even had orange marmalade!  And we of course watched the movie... a really awesome animated 1989 version. Classy.  Brinlee spent the evening eating, and laughing, and pointing out to me all the ways the movie was different than the book.  It's so fun to have such smart, fun little girls that I can do things like this with.

My Muffin Top

Tim came home to this the other day and was not very impressed...

I, however, don't seem to see any problem here.  The muffin tops are the best part! And I thoroughly enjoyed them.

Well that was fun! Our family's awesome.  And we had an awesome few weeks!

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