Well once again, our house feels too quiet and too empty.
This morning we dropped Maw Maw and Aunt Amy back off at the airport. Boo. They were here for 11 glorious days... and I would have taken 11 more.
And Brinlee and McKenna would have taken 11x11 more! We just really love these ladies!!!
We had a little too much fun, stayed up a little too late, ate several too many treats, and if it's even possible to do too much laughing, we definitely did that too! I wish I had a picture of every second of the whole entire time! But here are a few. It's impossible to find words to do a trip like this the kind of justice it deserves, but I'll try for a few captions anyway.
When this picture was taken, Maw Maw and Amy had been in our house for a total of maybe 6 minutes. These girls waisted NO time! Love us some reading time!
Princess Go-Fish was the game of choice, for the entire 11 days. Can you guess who was calling all the shots?
I was surprised, but Mckenna totally got the game. She did choose to ask Amy for the card she needed though. Every. Single. Time. "Hey Amy, do you have..... Dees one??"
We had a few rainy days. Way to be Ohio! But they didn't go to waist. We ventured through IKEA. And Maw Maw finally got to see Moana. And there were a few suitcases full of clothes and jewelry that the girls were pretty excited to dress up in. And we had Princess Go-Fish, of course. And Aunt Amy treated us all to pedicures! The girls were mesmerized! It was their first "painting toes" ever!
Tim got his Step-2 score back while we had our company, so we decided to eat out to celebrate! Brinlee picked the place, and surprisingly (and thankfully), we did not end up at McDonalds!
None of us are really surprised that we ended up at a few ice cream places, are we?
And played some cards. Skip-Bo this time though. Notice that Brinlee opted out of this game...
While they were here the Masters family graciously allowed me to get in a little photography practice. It was fun! I do kind of really like these faces :)
Did I mention we did a little eating? Not that I complain about that, ever. Seriously, check out this awesome cereal collection!
Beautiful as it may be, the plethora of cereal options did not come anywhere NEAR comparing with the amazing batch of meatballs my mama whipped up for us! That's heaven, right there!
Why I don't have pictures of Amy's amazing caramel apple cheesecake, I really don't know.
Actually I might know...
It probably has something to do with how quickly we slicked it down.... delicious!
Oh, goodbyes are the worst.
But man did we make some good memories!
Maw Maw and Aunt Amy, we love you and loved having you here!! Come back soon please!!!
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