Sunday, October 1, 2017


This weekend we went camping with a bunch of our friends.  It was a blast! We had so much fun getting away for a while and running around with our "family" here.

It was also very exhausting. We all came home pretty pooped.

So.  I'll try to give a recap here of all the fun.  You'll just have to forgive the condensed "I'm exhausted" version of the details.  Here goes.

Setting up camp, fun! And probably exhausting.  But only if you're daddy...
because he does all the work, and us girls get into the snacks.

Hammocks, fun! Sister cuddles, SO fun!

Whittling sticks, fun!

Picking wild flowers, super fun!

Sleeping in tents, FUN!

Cold early morning walk down to the lake, fun!
Throwing rocks in the lake, even more fun!

An afternoon at the beach, FUN! And exhausting.

Not feeling so good, exhausting.

Playing at the park, fun! And exhausting.

A wonderful day with friends and family, and friends that are family, FUN!

Campfires, and food, and a little game of football in the street, FUN! And exhausting. 

Spiking a fever and breaking out in a rash, exhausting! And not fun!

The little one throwing up all over the tent, exhausting.
Cleaning all the bedding and frantically packing up the camping trip a day earlier than planned, exhausting. And not fun.

Spending 4 amazing years on an adventure with these incredible people, fun, Fun, FUN!!!

Having these people to lean on and learn from is a tender mercy I will be forever grateful for!

In this Picture: Max and Jeehee Scoville, Us (minus sick, sleeping McKenna), Brennan, Kelli, and Nora Wright, Paul, Kristi, and Brayden Crawford, Wendy, Scott, and Hadley Smith.  (Not in this picture but came later: Brock, Jen, Norah, and Nina Coletti.)

Ok so basically, 
In this Picture: The Dream Team!, and some of the best human beings we'll ever know!  
God gave us some good folks.
We love this med school family!

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