Lookie lookie what we got!
Yes, our first official school picture.
Man, is she not the cutest little thing ever?!
And, no surprise here, but she's knocking this whole kindergarten thing clear out of the park.
To say that she loves it is a serious understatement. She adores school! She comes out that door every afternoon just bursting to tell me all about her day. I can hardly listen fast enough! And we never have to fight her to get out the door in the mornings. She's usually ready to go before we are!
We went to the open house last night at her school and got to see her classroom. I don't think I've ever seen her more tickled about anything. She was pleased as punch and SO proud to show us all her stuff, and where she sits, and how she does her work, and what she learns all day. It was pretty darling.
The reports from her teacher were all big thumbs up. She said Brinlee tries hard and is eager to learn. I suppose I could have guessed that. We see evidence of her "eager" all over the house. She tries to read everything she can get her hands on, and every scrap of paper we own has some kind of Brinlee handwriting on it. She just can't help herself! And I suppose I'm not too bothered by it. I love to see her learning new things, and I really love seeing her so excited and so proud of learning new things. I've actually been surprised how much it does for my little Mama's heart, but it really is the best!
I don't necessarily love so much how big she is looking lately though. My goodness!
I snapped these of her the other day before she headed into school. Just look at her!
Time, could you please slow down just a little?
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