Friday, June 25, 2010

Sleepless Nights

Well, it's been a few weeks now since my first bad dream episode and unfortunately my potential for restful nights only has a more dismal prognosis. I don't know what the deal is but they are still happening, they are still just as vivid, and if anything has changed it's that they are more frequent.

I've worked myself into some horrible cycle now I'm afraid:
Round 1: I go to bed thinking of the dreams and even if I wasn't going to have one, I wake myself up every few hours afraid that one is going to come. I sleep on and off all night in some kind of subconscious hope that there won't be enough time for a bad dream to come... unpleasant.
Round 2:After so many nights of sleep like that, I finally get tired enough to really fall asleep, but then a dream does come and I'm up anyway.
And then we're back to round one for a while.

It's starting to wear me down. I love naps, that's no secret.... I'll snag one whenever I can. But lately they've become a way of life. Sleeping in daylight keeps the dreams from coming and I have to make up for the lost time somehow. Unfortunately life doesn't stop for sleepless nights...

...if only....

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