Sunday, July 25, 2010

Fun Times Four

What a busy weekend! Darcy came, Amy and Aiden came, dad and Dianna came, and the Blue Angels came… I think I’ll go ahead and review them in that order.

First of all, my best friend came to visit!!! So much fun! Every time we get together it’s just like the old times! Poor Tim was quite the trooper, he spent the night on the couch so Darcy and I could have the bed and he suffered through Michael Jackson's This Is It movie with us… what a guy. She stayed til Saturday evening, definitely not long enough, love that lady!

Amy and Aiden showed up Friday afternoon so Friday night we had a full house. They had come up for the Blue Angels air show (see item number 4, which is also why dad and Dianna came actually, see item number 3). This time though Amy and Aiden took the bed, and Tim and I took the air mattress in the living room with Darcy on the couch. Again, poor Tim had to deal with the giggling, but so it goes!

Saturday morning was the air show at the Idaho Falls airport. We met dad and Dianna in IF for breakfast at North Highway Café (where else is there?) and then went on over. It was way too hot, but really cool. They put on such an awesome show, I’d go again today if I could! The day would have ended better though if it weren’t for the 2 hour line we had to stand in to get back out of the place when it was over... sheesh

Hands down the best part of the whole experience was getting a migraine headache and throwing up all that yummy breakfast in a nearby flowerbed, classic. It’s a shame no one saw, it was one of my prouder moments for sure… no bueno! :/

I cannot take credit for any of these pictures, my camera died, of course. These are the product of my dad’s handy work.

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