Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Fort Night

Well, we had to brush a bit of dust off the dating jar already.  
We went a few weeks relying on our own creativity... 
and after counting grocery shopping as a date, we decided to just stick to the pre-printed papers plan.  

Last week our date jar activity pick was build a fort, a personal favorite.
We started construction early so Brin could play for a bit before bedtime.  We thought she would love it....

That was not the case.  We couldn't get one smile out of her!  Inside the fort she was all confused and strictly business and wanted out of there as soon as she could find an opening.

We had a good time though.  Tim considers himself a professional fort builder, and he really does make some pretty awesome ones.  It was super cozy and pretty roomy - perfect for dinner, a movie, and desert! (and falling asleep, which is what Tim did...)


  1. We love forts around here! Looks like Tim was having fun though!

  2. Oh, that brings back memories. The days of FORTS. I miss them. Give her a few years and Brinlee won't come out of them. She'll take her dinner and naps inside her FORT.
